Nerine Cove Block 2 27/F FLAT C
$5.05M +222%

Saleable: 540(sq. ft) @$9352

Gross: 727(sq. ft) @$6946

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 3 37/F FLAT B
$5.50M +168%

Saleable: 547(sq. ft) @$10055

Gross: 735(sq. ft) @$7483

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 5 35/F FLAT H
$5.55M -24%

Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$10592

Gross: 706(sq. ft) @$7861

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 3 39/F FLAT H
$8.59M +98%

Saleable: 840(sq. ft) @$10224

Gross: 1123(sq. ft) @$7647

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 6 12/F FLAT B
$5.10M +58%

Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$9733

Gross: 707(sq. ft) @$7214

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 3 29/F FLAT B
$5.45M +177%

Saleable: 547(sq. ft) @$9963

Gross: 735(sq. ft) @$7415

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 1 15/F FLAT E
$5.28M +211%

Saleable: 530(sq. ft) @$9962

Gross: 718(sq. ft) @$7354

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 5 37/F FLAT C
$6.61M +79%

Saleable: 540(sq. ft) @$12241

Gross: 727(sq. ft) @$9092

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 5 37/F FLAT D
$6.39M +113%

Saleable: 522(sq. ft) @$12241

Gross: 709(sq. ft) @$9013

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 1 29/F FLAT H
$9.20M -8%

Saleable: 840(sq. ft) @$10952

Gross: 1123(sq. ft) @$8192

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 3 23/F FLAT E
$5.00M +190%

Saleable: 552(sq. ft) @$9058

Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$7032

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 6 38/F FLAT H
$5.40M +193%

Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$10305

Gross: 706(sq. ft) @$7649

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 3 21/F FLAT D
$4.75M -5%

Saleable: 522(sq. ft) @$9100

Gross: 709(sq. ft) @$6700

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 1 37/F FLAT A
$7.37M +326%

Saleable: 725(sq. ft) @$10166

Gross: 935(sq. ft) @$7882

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 1 28/F FLAT G
$9.28M +145%

Saleable: 844(sq. ft) @$10995

Gross: 1128(sq. ft) @$8227

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 2 12/F FLAT H
$8.04M +186%

Saleable: 872(sq. ft) @$9218

Gross: 1123(sq. ft) @$7158

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 2 32/F FLAT G
$7.65M -15%

Saleable: 727(sq. ft) @$10523

Gross: 978(sq. ft) @$7822

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 5 3/F FLAT E
$6.38M +146%

Saleable: 667(sq. ft) @$9565

Gross: 902(sq. ft) @$7073

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 2 30/F FLAT G
$6.75M +121%

Saleable: 727(sq. ft) @$9285

Gross: 978(sq. ft) @$6902

  • Land Registry


Nerine Cove Block 2 32/F FLAT A
$7.70M -6%

Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$11143

Gross: 935(sq. ft) @$8235

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

95 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
11/03/2025 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 2 27/F FLAT C
5.05M 540sq. ft. / 727sq. ft. $9352 / $6946 31/07/2007 1.57M / +222%
Land Registry
04/03/2025 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 3 37/F FLAT B
5.5M 547sq. ft. / 735sq. ft. $10055 / $7483 13/06/2008 2.05M / +168%
Land Registry
07/02/2025 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 5 35/F FLAT H
5.55M 524sq. ft. / 706sq. ft. $10592 / $7861 12/11/2021 7.35M / -24%
Land Registry
05/02/2025 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 3 39/F FLAT H
8.59M 840sq. ft. / 1123sq. ft. $10224 / $7647 03/11/2010 4.33M / +98%
Land Registry
21/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 6 12/F FLAT B
5.1M 524sq. ft. / 707sq. ft. $9733 / $7214 18/07/2012 3.23M / +58%
Land Registry
10/01/2025 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 3 29/F FLAT B
5.45M 547sq. ft. / 735sq. ft. $9963 / $7415 04/07/2001 1.97M / +177%
Land Registry
31/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 1 15/F FLAT E
5.28M 530sq. ft. / 718sq. ft. $9962 / $7354 02/09/2009 1.7M / +211%
Land Registry
20/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 5 37/F FLAT C
6.61M 540sq. ft. / 727sq. ft. $12241 / $9092 03/09/2010 3.7M / +79%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 5 37/F FLAT D
6.39M 522sq. ft. / 709sq. ft. $12241 / $9013 03/09/2010 3M / +113%
Land Registry
18/11/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 1 29/F FLAT H
9.2M 840sq. ft. / 1123sq. ft. $10952 / $8192 13/01/2021 9.95M / -8%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 3 23/F FLAT E
5M 552sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. $9058 / $7032 21/02/2001 1.72M / +190%
Land Registry
25/10/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 6 38/F FLAT H
5.4M 524sq. ft. / 706sq. ft. $10305 / $7649 16/05/2001 1.85M / +193%
Land Registry
30/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 3 21/F FLAT D
4.75M 522sq. ft. / 709sq. ft. $9100 / $6700 22/08/2015 5M / -5%
Land Registry
10/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 1 37/F FLAT A
7.37M 725sq. ft. / 935sq. ft. $10166 / $7882 30/05/2003 1.73M / +326%
Land Registry
04/09/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 1 28/F FLAT G
9.28M 844sq. ft. / 1128sq. ft. $10995 / $8227 08/03/2000 3.79M / +145%
Land Registry
28/08/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 2 12/F FLAT H
8.04M 872sq. ft. / 1123sq. ft. $9218 / $7158 28/08/2001 2.81M / +186%
Land Registry
22/08/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 2 32/F FLAT G
7.65M 727sq. ft. / 978sq. ft. $10523 / $7822 05/03/2021 9M / -15%
Land Registry
15/08/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 5 3/F FLAT E
6.38M 667sq. ft. / 902sq. ft. $9565 / $7073 27/04/2000 2.59M / +146%
Land Registry
05/08/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 2 30/F FLAT G
6.75M 727sq. ft. / 978sq. ft. $9285 / $6902 07/03/2000 3.06M / +121%
Land Registry
09/07/2024 Tuen Mun
Nerine Cove
Block 2 32/F FLAT A
7.7M 691sq. ft. / 935sq. ft. $11143 / $8235 06/04/2020 8.2M / -6%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.