Saleable: 694(sq. ft) @$8213
Gross: 825(sq. ft) @$6909
Saleable: 694(sq. ft) @$9222
Gross: 825(sq. ft) @$7758
Saleable: 694(sq. ft) @$8213
Gross: 825(sq. ft) @$6909
Saleable: 504(sq. ft) @$7242
Gross: 598(sq. ft) @$6104
Saleable: 694(sq. ft) @$8213
Gross: 825(sq. ft) @$6909
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$7727
Gross: 658(sq. ft) @$6459
Gross: 657(sq. ft) @$6925
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$9236
Gross: 657(sq. ft) @$7732
Saleable: 504(sq. ft) @$9325
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$7794
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$8182
Gross: 658(sq. ft) @$6839
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$10327
Gross: 657(sq. ft) @$8645
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$10545
Gross: 657(sq. ft) @$8828
Gross: 658(sq. ft) @$8055
Saleable: 504(sq. ft) @$10079
Gross: 598(sq. ft) @$8495
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$7818
Gross: 650(sq. ft) @$6615
Saleable: 656(sq. ft) @$9726
Gross: 781(sq. ft) @$8169
Saleable: 687(sq. ft) @$10189
Gross: 825(sq. ft) @$8485
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$10818
Gross: 650(sq. ft) @$9154
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$8909
Gross: 650(sq. ft) @$7538
Saleable: 656(sq. ft) @$9375
Gross: 781(sq. ft) @$7875
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
03/09/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden Block 4 31/F FLAT E | 5.7M | 694sq. ft. / 825sq. ft. | $8213 / $6909 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
28/08/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden Block 4 4/F FLAT D | 6.4M | 694sq. ft. / 825sq. ft. | $9222 / $7758 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
23/08/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden Block 4 31/F FLAT E | 5.7M | 694sq. ft. / 825sq. ft. | $8213 / $6909 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/07/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden Block 4 19/F FLAT H | 3.65M | 504sq. ft. / 598sq. ft. | $7242 / $6104 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
10/07/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 4 31/F FLAT E | 5.7M | 694sq. ft. / 825sq. ft. | $8213 / $6909 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
27/05/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 1 33/F FLAT C | 4.25M | 550sq. ft. / 658sq. ft. | $7727 / $6459 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/05/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 5 14/F FLAT C | 4.55M | -- / 657sq. ft. | -- / $6925 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
20/05/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 5 5/F FLAT F | 5.08M | 550sq. ft. / 657sq. ft. | $9236 / $7732 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/05/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 1 26/F FLAT A | 4.7M | 504sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $9325 / $7794 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/05/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 1 6/F FLAT B | 4.5M | 550sq. ft. / 658sq. ft. | $8182 / $6839 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/05/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 5 28/F FLAT G | 5.68M | 550sq. ft. / 657sq. ft. | $10327 / $8645 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/03/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 5 29/F FLAT B | 5.8M | 550sq. ft. / 657sq. ft. | $10545 / $8828 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
18/03/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 1 30/F FLAT C | 5.3M | -- / 658sq. ft. | -- / $8055 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/03/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 4 22/F FLAT H | 5.08M | 504sq. ft. / 598sq. ft. | $10079 / $8495 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/02/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 3 13/F FLAT G | 4.3M | 550sq. ft. / 650sq. ft. | $7818 / $6615 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/01/2024 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 4 6/F FLAT F | 6.38M | 656sq. ft. / 781sq. ft. | $9726 / $8169 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/10/2023 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 5 19/F FLAT D | 7M | 687sq. ft. / 825sq. ft. | $10189 / $8485 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/08/2023 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 2 18/F FLAT G | 5.95M | 550sq. ft. / 650sq. ft. | $10818 / $9154 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
11/07/2023 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 2 19/F FLAT B | 4.9M | 550sq. ft. / 650sq. ft. | $8909 / $7538 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
07/07/2023 | Tsing Yi | Broadview Garden BLOCK 3 19/F FLAT F | 6.15M | 656sq. ft. / 781sq. ft. | $9375 / $7875 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |