Saleable: 808(sq. ft) @$8267
Gross: 1051(sq. ft) @$6356
Saleable: 808(sq. ft) @$9406
Gross: 1051(sq. ft) @$7231
Saleable: 941(sq. ft) @$11137
Gross: 1206(sq. ft) @$8690
Saleable: 906(sq. ft) @$9934
Gross: 1196(sq. ft) @$7525
Saleable: 576(sq. ft) @$11250
Gross: 747(sq. ft) @$8675
Saleable: 906(sq. ft) @$11589
Gross: 1196(sq. ft) @$8779
Saleable: 515(sq. ft) @$10447
Gross: 669(sq. ft) @$8042
Saleable: 968(sq. ft) @$11157
Gross: 1267(sq. ft) @$8524
Saleable: 808(sq. ft) @$11361
Gross: 1051(sq. ft) @$8735
Saleable: 941(sq. ft) @$11031
Gross: 1206(sq. ft) @$8607
Saleable: 861(sq. ft) @$10221
Gross: 1123(sq. ft) @$7836
Saleable: 984(sq. ft) @$11179
Gross: 1269(sq. ft) @$8668
Saleable: 813(sq. ft) @$10763
Gross: 1053(sq. ft) @$8310
Saleable: 797(sq. ft) @$11644
Gross: 1034(sq. ft) @$8975
Saleable: 946(sq. ft) @$12241
Gross: 1205(sq. ft) @$9610
Saleable: 519(sq. ft) @$11908
Gross: 670(sq. ft) @$9224
Saleable: 935(sq. ft) @$9733
Gross: 1208(sq. ft) @$7533
Saleable: 981(sq. ft) @$13456
Gross: 1265(sq. ft) @$10435
Saleable: 575(sq. ft) @$9913
Gross: 750(sq. ft) @$7600
Saleable: 935(sq. ft) @$10160
Gross: 1208(sq. ft) @$7864
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
15/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 33/F FLAT D | 6.68M | 808sq. ft. / 1051sq. ft. | $8267 / $6356 | 08/08/2006 | 3.95M / +69% | Land Registry |
10/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 15/F FLAT A | 7.6M | 808sq. ft. / 1051sq. ft. | $9406 / $7231 | 15/04/2014 | 6.8M / +12% | Land Registry |
20/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 49/F FLAT B | 10.48M | 941sq. ft. / 1206sq. ft. | $11137 / $8690 | 22/08/2006 | 5M / +110% | Land Registry |
13/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 1 66/F FLAT B | 9M | 906sq. ft. / 1196sq. ft. | $9934 / $7525 | 09/08/2006 | 6.63M / +36% | Land Registry |
11/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 58/F FLAT H | 6.48M | 576sq. ft. / 747sq. ft. | $11250 / $8675 | 24/10/2014 | 5.8M / +12% | Land Registry |
19/11/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 1 63/F FLAT B | 10.5M | 906sq. ft. / 1196sq. ft. | $11589 / $8779 | 04/07/2024 | 10.34M / +2% | Land Registry |
31/10/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 15/F FLAT G | 5.38M | 515sq. ft. / 669sq. ft. | $10447 / $8042 | 06/11/2012 | 4.22M / +27% | Land Registry |
23/09/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 1 16/F FLAT A | 10.8M | 968sq. ft. / 1267sq. ft. | $11157 / $8524 | 27/09/2005 | 6.89M / +57% | Land Registry |
09/09/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 38/F FLAT A | 9.18M | 808sq. ft. / 1051sq. ft. | $11361 / $8735 | 21/10/2005 | 4.8M / +91% | Land Registry |
15/08/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 51/F FLAT C | 10.38M | 941sq. ft. / 1206sq. ft. | $11031 / $8607 | 25/07/2016 | 9.5M / +9% | Land Registry |
14/08/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 1 42/F FLAT G | 8.8M | 861sq. ft. / 1123sq. ft. | $10221 / $7836 | 01/09/2006 | 4.36M / +102% | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 1 63/F FLAT A | 11M | 984sq. ft. / 1269sq. ft. | $11179 / $8668 | 20/07/2007 | 7.15M / +54% | Land Registry |
04/07/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 52/F FLAT D | 8.75M | 813sq. ft. / 1053sq. ft. | $10763 / $8310 | 28/01/2021 | 9.8M / -11% | Land Registry |
26/06/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 1 49/F FLAT E | 9.28M | 797sq. ft. / 1034sq. ft. | $11644 / $8975 | 20/07/2011 | 6M / +55% | Land Registry |
24/06/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 63/F FLAT B | 11.58M | 946sq. ft. / 1205sq. ft. | $12241 / $9610 | 20/11/2013 | 9.28M / +25% | Land Registry |
20/06/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 49/F FLAT F | 6.18M | 519sq. ft. / 670sq. ft. | $11908 / $9224 | -- | 3.47M / +78% | Land Registry |
19/06/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 19/F FLAT C | 9.1M | 935sq. ft. / 1208sq. ft. | $9733 / $7533 | 04/10/2005 | 5.41M / +68% | Land Registry |
13/06/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 1 59/F FLAT C | 13.2M | 981sq. ft. / 1265sq. ft. | $13456 / $10435 | 05/09/2007 | 7.02M / +88% | Land Registry |
22/05/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 10/F FLAT E | 5.7M | 575sq. ft. / 750sq. ft. | $9913 / $7600 | 17/07/2014 | 4.5M / +27% | Land Registry |
21/05/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 36/F FLAT B | 9.5M | 935sq. ft. / 1208sq. ft. | $10160 / $7864 | 14/09/2005 | 5.78M / +64% | Land Registry |