Kwai Fong Terrace Block 3 16/F FLAT H
$4.40M -9%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$10602

Gross: 506(sq. ft) @$8696

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 20/F FLAT F
$4.78M -4%

Saleable: 473(sq. ft) @$10106

Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$8102

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 20/F FLAT E
$4.13M -18%

Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$10403

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$8498

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 3 10/F FLAT B
$4.50M +241%

Saleable: 454(sq. ft) @$9912

Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$7627

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 19/F FLAT D
$4.18M +161%

Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$10529

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$8601

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 9/F FLAT E
$4.00M +62%

Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$10076

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$8230

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 2 17/F FLAT C

Saleable: 473(sq. ft) @$9493

Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$7610

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 5/F FLAT H

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$9157

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$7480

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 2 20/F FLAT B
$4.86M -4%

Saleable: 473(sq. ft) @$10275

Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$8237

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 6/F FLAT E
$4.48M +8%

Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$11285

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$9218

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 3 14/F FLAT F
$4.73M -24%

Saleable: 473(sq. ft) @$10008

Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$8023

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 3 26/F FLAT F
$4.65M +237%

Saleable: 473(sq. ft) @$9831

Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$7881

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 10/F FLAT A
$4.30M +470%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$10361

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$8465

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 3 12/F FLAT C

Saleable: 454(sq. ft) @$11013

Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$8475

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 25/F FLAT D
$4.55M +148%

Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$11456

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$9358

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 6/F FLAT E
$4.15M -15%

Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$10453

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$8539

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 15/F FLAT H
$4.27M +60%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$10289

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$8406

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 1 24/F FLAT H
$4.42M +205%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$10651

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$8701

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 2 9/F FLAT H
$4.18M +140%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$10072

Gross: 508(sq. ft) @$8228

  • Land Registry


Kwai Fong Terrace Block 2 24/F FLAT D
$4.45M +33%

Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$11209

Gross: 486(sq. ft) @$9156

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

51 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
17/02/2025 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 3 16/F FLAT H
4.4M 415sq. ft. / 506sq. ft. $10602 / $8696 17/01/2019 4.84M / -9%
Land Registry
24/12/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 20/F FLAT F
4.78M 473sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. $10106 / $8102 08/05/2015 5M / -4%
Land Registry
28/11/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 20/F FLAT E
4.13M 397sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $10403 / $8498 19/12/2017 5.02M / -18%
Land Registry
22/11/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 3 10/F FLAT B
4.5M 454sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. $9912 / $7627 17/04/2001 1.32M / +241%
Land Registry
31/10/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 19/F FLAT D
4.18M 397sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $10529 / $8601 22/02/2008 1.6M / +161%
Land Registry
30/10/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 9/F FLAT E
4M 397sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $10076 / $8230 13/04/2012 2.47M / +62%
Land Registry
03/10/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 2 17/F FLAT C
4.49M 473sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. $9493 / $7610 -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/09/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 5/F FLAT H
3.8M 415sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $9157 / $7480 -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/09/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 2 20/F FLAT B
4.86M 473sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. $10275 / $8237 20/10/2015 5.06M / -4%
Land Registry
21/08/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 6/F FLAT E
4.48M 397sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $11285 / $9218 15/04/2024 4.15M / +8%
Land Registry
20/08/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 3 14/F FLAT F
4.73M 473sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. $10008 / $8023 26/11/2019 6.2M / -24%
Land Registry
16/08/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 3 26/F FLAT F
4.65M 473sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. $9831 / $7881 30/06/2006 1.38M / +237%
Land Registry
08/08/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 10/F FLAT A
4.3M 415sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $10361 / $8465 09/08/2003 755K / +470%
Land Registry
08/07/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 3 12/F FLAT C
5M 454sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. $11013 / $8475 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/06/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 25/F FLAT D
4.55M 397sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $11456 / $9358 28/12/2009 1.83M / +148%
Land Registry
30/04/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 6/F FLAT E
4.15M 397sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $10453 / $8539 13/02/2019 4.86M / -15%
Land Registry
05/03/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 15/F FLAT H
4.27M 415sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $10289 / $8406 30/03/2012 2.67M / +60%
Land Registry
22/02/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 1 24/F FLAT H
4.42M 415sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $10651 / $8701 30/11/2000 1.45M / +205%
Land Registry
29/01/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 2 9/F FLAT H
4.18M 415sq. ft. / 508sq. ft. $10072 / $8228 28/12/2009 1.74M / +140%
Land Registry
10/01/2024 Kwai Chung
Kwai Fong Terrace
Block 2 24/F FLAT D
4.45M 397sq. ft. / 486sq. ft. $11209 / $9156 01/03/2013 3.34M / +33%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.