Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$9149
Gross: 582(sq. ft) @$7388
Saleable: 689(sq. ft) @$8824
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$7325
Saleable: 491(sq. ft) @$8554
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$7095
Saleable: 644(sq. ft) @$8756
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$6794
Saleable: 644(sq. ft) @$8820
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$6843
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$8404
Gross: 582(sq. ft) @$6787
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$9792
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$7956
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$8503
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$6909
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$9106
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$7399
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$9148
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$7432
Saleable: 689(sq. ft) @$7983
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$6627
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$10395
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$8446
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$9043
Gross: 582(sq. ft) @$7302
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$9574
Gross: 582(sq. ft) @$7732
Saleable: 644(sq. ft) @$9752
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$7566
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$8441
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$6858
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$10851
Gross: 582(sq. ft) @$8763
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$9979
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$8108
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$8732
Gross: 592(sq. ft) @$7095
Saleable: 644(sq. ft) @$9208
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$7145
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
28/02/2025 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 1 10/F FLAT C | 4.3M | 470sq. ft. / 582sq. ft. | $9149 / $7388 | 22/07/2005 | 1.46M / +196% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 20/F FLAT D | 6.08M | 689sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $8824 / $7325 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 1 16/F FLAT G | 4.2M | 491sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $8554 / $7095 | 05/05/1997 | 2.92M / +44% | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 1 18/F FLAT D | 5.64M | 644sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $8756 / $6794 | 28/04/2015 | 6.13M / -8% | Land Registry |
22/11/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 1 31/F FLAT E | 5.68M | 644sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $8820 / $6843 | 07/05/2012 | 4.05M / +40% | Land Registry |
06/11/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 2 3/F FLAT B | 3.95M | 470sq. ft. / 582sq. ft. | $8404 / $6787 | 27/10/2010 | 2.3M / +72% | Land Registry |
06/11/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 18/F FLAT F | 4.71M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $9792 / $7956 | 14/04/2021 | 6.3M / -25% | Land Registry |
30/10/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 1 3/F FLAT F | 4.09M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $8503 / $6909 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
23/10/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 29/F FLAT F | 4.38M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $9106 / $7399 | 29/10/2010 | 2.4M / +83% | Land Registry |
22/10/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 2 22/F FLAT G | 4.4M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $9148 / $7432 | 28/06/2000 | 1.39M / +217% | Land Registry |
04/10/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 2 3/F FLAT H | 5.5M | 689sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $7983 / $6627 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/09/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 2 23/F FLAT G | 5M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $10395 / $8446 | 23/08/1995 | 1M / +400% | Land Registry |
09/09/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 2 15/F FLAT B | 4.25M | 470sq. ft. / 582sq. ft. | $9043 / $7302 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/08/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 35/F FLAT B | 4.5M | 470sq. ft. / 582sq. ft. | $9574 / $7732 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
13/05/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 1 20/F FLAT E | 6.28M | 644sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $9752 / $7566 | 29/10/2010 | 3.23M / +94% | Land Registry |
30/04/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 2/F FLAT F | 4.06M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $8441 / $6858 | 03/08/2002 | 1M / +306% | Land Registry |
24/04/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 20/F FLAT B | 5.1M | 470sq. ft. / 582sq. ft. | $10851 / $8763 | 12/03/1998 | 2.44M / +109% | Land Registry |
19/04/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 23/F FLAT G | 4.8M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $9979 / $8108 | 26/02/2004 | 1.23M / +290% | Land Registry |
12/04/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 3 8/F FLAT F | 4.2M | 481sq. ft. / 592sq. ft. | $8732 / $7095 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/04/2024 | Belvedere | Belvedere Garden Phase 1 Block 2 11/F FLAT D | 5.93M | 644sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $9208 / $7145 | 25/07/2007 | 1.99M / +198% | Land Registry |