The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 12 18/F FLAT F
$13.30M +185%

Saleable: 1015(sq. ft) @$13103

Gross: 1358(sq. ft) @$9794

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 18/F FLAT B
$7.47M +6%

Saleable: 629(sq. ft) @$11874

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$9042

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 17/F FLAT F
$14.80M +19%

Saleable: 989(sq. ft) @$14965

Gross: 1295(sq. ft) @$11429

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 17/F FLAT E
$16.80M +11%

Saleable: 1186(sq. ft) @$14165

Gross: 1560(sq. ft) @$10769

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 19 17/F FLAT C
$9.88M +160%

Saleable: 900(sq. ft) @$10978

Gross: 1180(sq. ft) @$8373

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 19 10/F FLAT C
$8.50M +146%

Saleable: 900(sq. ft) @$9444

Gross: 1180(sq. ft) @$7203

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 12 10/F FLAT C
$10.00M -7%

Saleable: 948(sq. ft) @$10549

Gross: 1248(sq. ft) @$8013

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 15 15/F FLAT C

Saleable: 982(sq. ft) @$10896

Gross: 1288(sq. ft) @$8307

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 15 15/F FLAT B
$9.00M +177%

Saleable: 638(sq. ft) @$14107

Gross: 838(sq. ft) @$10740

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 19 19/F FLAT D
$13.80M +147%

Saleable: 1201(sq. ft) @$11490

Gross: 1558(sq. ft) @$8858

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 19/F FLAT B
$9.90M +214%

Saleable: 629(sq. ft) @$15739

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$11985

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 16 19/F FLAT B
$12.40M +107%

Saleable: 982(sq. ft) @$12627

Gross: 1288(sq. ft) @$9627

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 16 19/F FLAT C
$12.90M +115%

Saleable: 982(sq. ft) @$13136

Gross: 1288(sq. ft) @$10016

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 10/F FLAT C
$10.00M -11%

Saleable: 973(sq. ft) @$10277

Gross: 1280(sq. ft) @$7813

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 15 18/F FLAT A
$17.30M +126%

Saleable: 1168(sq. ft) @$14812

Gross: 1533(sq. ft) @$11285

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 15 18/F FLAT D
$16.68M +140%

Saleable: 1062(sq. ft) @$15706

Gross: 1388(sq. ft) @$12017

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 15/F FLAT B
$8.07M +46%

Saleable: 629(sq. ft) @$12827

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$9768

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 15 9/F FLAT B
$8.00M +11%

Saleable: 638(sq. ft) @$12539

Gross: 838(sq. ft) @$9547

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 10/F FLAT B
$8.30M +6%

Saleable: 629(sq. ft) @$13196

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$10048

  • Land Registry


The Cairnhill Phase 2 Block 18 9/F FLAT E
$16.97M +28%

Saleable: 1186(sq. ft) @$14307

Gross: 1560(sq. ft) @$10877

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

20 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
30/09/2024 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 12 18/F FLAT F
13.3M 1015sq. ft. / 1358sq. ft. $13103 / $9794 02/02/2004 4.66M / +185%
Land Registry
26/08/2024 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 18/F FLAT B
7.47M 629sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $11874 / $9042 07/10/2016 7.06M / +6%
Land Registry
31/07/2024 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 17/F FLAT F
14.8M 989sq. ft. / 1295sq. ft. $14965 / $11429 06/02/2017 12.4M / +19%
Land Registry
31/07/2024 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 17/F FLAT E
16.8M 1186sq. ft. / 1560sq. ft. $14165 / $10769 06/02/2017 15.1M / +11%
Land Registry
20/05/2024 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 19 17/F FLAT C
9.88M 900sq. ft. / 1180sq. ft. $10978 / $8373 02/02/2004 3.8M / +160%
Land Registry
03/05/2024 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 19 10/F FLAT C
8.5M 900sq. ft. / 1180sq. ft. $9444 / $7203 31/01/2004 3.45M / +146%
Land Registry
22/02/2024 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 12 10/F FLAT C
10M 948sq. ft. / 1248sq. ft. $10549 / $8013 09/04/2021 10.7M / -7%
Land Registry
31/07/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 15 15/F FLAT C
10.7M 982sq. ft. / 1288sq. ft. $10896 / $8307 -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/07/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 15 15/F FLAT B
9M 638sq. ft. / 838sq. ft. $14107 / $10740 25/11/2005 3.25M / +177%
Land Registry
03/05/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 19 19/F FLAT D
13.8M 1201sq. ft. / 1558sq. ft. $11490 / $8858 31/01/2004 5.6M / +147%
Land Registry
22/03/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 19/F FLAT B
9.9M 629sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $15739 / $11985 31/01/2004 3.15M / +214%
Land Registry
17/03/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 16 19/F FLAT B
12.4M 982sq. ft. / 1288sq. ft. $12627 / $9627 11/05/2005 6M / +107%
Land Registry
17/03/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 16 19/F FLAT C
12.9M 982sq. ft. / 1288sq. ft. $13136 / $10016 11/05/2005 6M / +115%
Land Registry
16/03/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 10/F FLAT C
10M 973sq. ft. / 1280sq. ft. $10277 / $7813 01/04/2019 11.25M / -11%
Land Registry
01/03/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 15 18/F FLAT A
17.3M 1168sq. ft. / 1533sq. ft. $14812 / $11285 30/01/2004 7.67M / +126%
Land Registry
01/03/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 15 18/F FLAT D
16.68M 1062sq. ft. / 1388sq. ft. $15706 / $12017 30/01/2004 6.94M / +140%
Land Registry
16/02/2023 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 15/F FLAT B
8.07M 629sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $12827 / $9768 09/05/2014 5.52M / +46%
Land Registry
25/11/2022 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 15 9/F FLAT B
8M 638sq. ft. / 838sq. ft. $12539 / $9547 09/02/2018 7.2M / +11%
Land Registry
03/08/2022 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 10/F FLAT B
8.3M 629sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $13196 / $10048 13/11/2017 7.8M / +6%
Land Registry
26/05/2022 Tsuen Wan Mid-levels
The Cairnhill Phase 2
Block 18 9/F FLAT E
16.97M 1186sq. ft. / 1560sq. ft. $14307 / $10877 13/03/2015 13.3M / +28%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.