Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$8684
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$7575
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$8555
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$7463
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$8742
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$7621
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$9147
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$7974
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$8529
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$7435
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$8745
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$7629
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$7463
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$6506
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$8555
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$9168
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$7993
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$8316
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$7249
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$8699
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$7584
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$9506
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$8292
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$8213
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$9125
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$7960
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$8849
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$7714
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$9125
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$7960
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$9595
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$8364
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$9382
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$8178
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$9125
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$7960
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$9339
Gross: 538(sq. ft) @$8141
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
17/01/2025 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 10/F FLAT 1 | 4.57M | 526sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $8684 / $7575 | 06/08/2007 | 1.48M / +209% | Land Registry |
08/01/2025 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 23/F FLAT 4 | 4.5M | 526sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $8555 / $7463 | 18/10/2003 | 1.04M / +334% | Land Registry |
20/12/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 29/F FLAT 7 | 4.1M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $8742 / $7621 | 13/05/2022 | 5.5M / -25% | Land Registry |
09/12/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 17/F FLAT 7 | 4.29M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $9147 / $7974 | 20/06/2017 | 4.88M / -12% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 14/F FLAT 3 | 4M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $8529 / $7435 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 26/F FLAT 5 | 4.6M | 526sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $8745 / $7629 | 28/02/2011 | 2.83M / +63% | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 2/F FLAT 7 | 3.5M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $7463 / $6506 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 13/F FLAT 8 | 4.5M | 526sq. ft. / -- | $8555 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
18/11/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 29/F FLAT 3 | 4.3M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $9168 / $7993 | 20/04/2012 | 3.25M / +32% | Land Registry |
07/11/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 13/F FLAT 2 | 3.9M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $8316 / $7249 | 01/06/2015 | 4.32M / -10% | Land Registry |
16/10/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 16/F FLAT 3 | 4.08M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $8699 / $7584 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
20/08/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 26/F FLAT 1 | 5M | 526sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $9506 / $8292 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/07/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 32/F FLAT 8 | 4.32M | 526sq. ft. / -- | $8213 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/07/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 15/F FLAT 8 | 4.8M | 526sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $9125 / $7960 | 23/10/2018 | 5.7M / -16% | Land Registry |
12/06/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 30/F FLAT 3 | 4.15M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $8849 / $7714 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/05/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 11/F FLAT 8 | 4.8M | 526sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $9125 / $7960 | 04/08/2006 | 1.43M / +236% | Land Registry |
29/05/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 12/F FLAT 3 | 4.5M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $9595 / $8364 | 16/12/2020 | 5.7M / -21% | Land Registry |
08/05/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 9/F FLAT 2 | 4.4M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $9382 / $8178 | 14/07/2016 | 4.06M / +8% | Land Registry |
11/03/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block B 6/F FLAT 1 | 4.8M | 526sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $9125 / $7960 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
01/02/2024 | Lam Tin | Kai Tin Tower Block A 17/F FLAT 2 | 4.38M | 469sq. ft. / 538sq. ft. | $9339 / $8141 | 14/06/2011 | 3.01M / +46% | Land Registry |