Saleable: 503(sq. ft) @$6696
Gross: 581(sq. ft) @$5797
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$7772
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$6711
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$10363
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$8949
Saleable: 424(sq. ft) @$11792
Gross: 491(sq. ft) @$10183
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$7720
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$6667
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$10233
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$8837
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$9845
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$8501
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$12404
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$10711
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$12435
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$10738
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$10000
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$8635
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$14249
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$12304
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$12435
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$10738
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$11917
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$10291
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$8756
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$7562
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$11010
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$9508
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$10933
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$9441
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$12306
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$10626
Saleable: 386(sq. ft) @$14663
Gross: 447(sq. ft) @$12662
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
04/12/2024 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block B 17/F FLAT 3 | 3.37M | 503sq. ft. / 581sq. ft. | $6696 / $5797 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/11/2024 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block A 3/F FLAT 5 | 3M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $7772 / $6711 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/11/2024 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 23/F FLAT 2 | 4M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $10363 / $8949 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/09/2024 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block B 15/F FLAT 8 | 5M | 424sq. ft. / 491sq. ft. | $11792 / $10183 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/09/2024 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block B 15/F FLAT 1 | 2.98M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $7720 / $6667 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/07/2024 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block B 18/F FLAT 6 | 3.95M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $10233 / $8837 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
27/06/2024 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block B 4/F FLAT 1 | 3.8M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $9845 / $8501 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
15/05/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 14/F FLAT 2 | 4.79M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $12404 / $10711 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/04/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block B 12/F FLAT 2 | 4.8M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $12435 / $10738 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/03/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block A 11/F FLAT 2 | 3.86M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $10000 / $8635 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
15/02/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 21/F FLAT 6 | 5.5M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $14249 / $12304 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/01/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 22/F FLAT 6 | 4.8M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $12435 / $10738 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
20/01/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 17/F FLAT 2 | 4.6M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $11917 / $10291 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
20/01/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 1/F FLAT 5 | 3.38M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $8756 / $7562 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/01/2023 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 6/F FLAT 6 | 4.25M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $11010 / $9508 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
29/12/2022 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block B 3/F FLAT 6 | 4.22M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $10933 / $9441 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/09/2022 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 24/F FLAT 6 | 4.75M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $12306 / $10626 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
31/01/2022 | Ngau Chi Wan | Sun Lai Garden Block C 23/F FLAT 6 | 5.66M | 386sq. ft. / 447sq. ft. | $14663 / $12662 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |