Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$11702
Gross: 622(sq. ft) @$8842
Saleable: 437(sq. ft) @$11899
Gross: 585(sq. ft) @$8889
Saleable: 609(sq. ft) @$13136
Gross: 822(sq. ft) @$9732
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 437(sq. ft) @$12540
Gross: 585(sq. ft) @$9368
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$14216
Gross: 548(sq. ft) @$10584
Saleable: 443(sq. ft) @$13499
Gross: 596(sq. ft) @$10034
Saleable: 420(sq. ft) @$12143
Gross: 569(sq. ft) @$8963
Saleable: 420(sq. ft) @$14167
Gross: 570(sq. ft) @$10439
Saleable: 437(sq. ft) @$13272
Gross: 585(sq. ft) @$9915
Saleable: 420(sq. ft) @$12900
Gross: 569(sq. ft) @$9522
Saleable: 417(sq. ft) @$13909
Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$10432
Saleable: 420(sq. ft) @$12190
Gross: 569(sq. ft) @$8998
Saleable: 437(sq. ft) @$14142
Gross: 585(sq. ft) @$10564
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$12847
Gross: 622(sq. ft) @$9707
Saleable: 408(sq. ft) @$13064
Gross: 548(sq. ft) @$9726
Saleable: 417(sq. ft) @$15588
Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$11691
Saleable: 609(sq. ft) @$13957
Gross: 822(sq. ft) @$10341
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$14234
Gross: 622(sq. ft) @$10756
Saleable: 420(sq. ft) @$15952
Gross: 570(sq. ft) @$11754
Saleable: 612(sq. ft) @$14379
Gross: 814(sq. ft) @$10811
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
30/12/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 16/F FLAT D | 5.5M | 470sq. ft. / 622sq. ft. | $11702 / $8842 | 13/04/2015 | 4.8M / +15% | Land Registry |
15/11/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 13/F FLAT G | 5.2M | 437sq. ft. / 585sq. ft. | $11899 / $8889 | 23/09/2013 | 4.25M / +22% | Land Registry |
01/11/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 Upper Floor FLAT C | 8M | 609sq. ft. / 822sq. ft. | $13136 / $9732 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
19/08/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 19/F FLAT G | 5.48M | 437sq. ft. / 585sq. ft. | $12540 / $9368 | 29/04/2011 | 3.3M / +66% | Land Registry |
17/07/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 31/F FLAT E | 5.8M | 408sq. ft. / 548sq. ft. | $14216 / $10584 | 12/11/2020 | 6.68M / -13% | Land Registry |
15/07/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 17/F FLAT H | 5.98M | 443sq. ft. / 596sq. ft. | $13499 / $10034 | 16/11/2012 | 3.99M / +50% | Land Registry |
12/07/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 11/F FLAT F | 5.1M | 420sq. ft. / 569sq. ft. | $12143 / $8963 | 06/07/2005 | 1.65M / +209% | Land Registry |
02/07/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 28/F FLAT F | 5.95M | 420sq. ft. / 570sq. ft. | $14167 / $10439 | 14/11/1996 | 2.83M / +110% | Land Registry |
27/06/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 29/F FLAT G | 5.8M | 437sq. ft. / 585sq. ft. | $13272 / $9915 | 24/08/2012 | 3.78M / +53% | Land Registry |
29/04/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 17/F FLAT F | 5.42M | 420sq. ft. / 569sq. ft. | $12900 / $9522 | 12/12/2016 | 5.38M / +1% | Land Registry |
25/04/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 29/F FLAT H | 5.8M | 417sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. | $13909 / $10432 | 27/04/2015 | 4M / +45% | Land Registry |
10/04/2024 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 7/F FLAT F | 5.12M | 420sq. ft. / 569sq. ft. | $12190 / $8998 | 04/06/2007 | 1.78M / +188% | Land Registry |
05/12/2023 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 11/F FLAT G | 6.18M | 437sq. ft. / 585sq. ft. | $14142 / $10564 | 17/12/2020 | 6M / +3% | Land Registry |
28/11/2023 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 12/F FLAT D | 6.04M | 470sq. ft. / 622sq. ft. | $12847 / $9707 | 07/07/2020 | 5.8M / +4% | Land Registry |
09/11/2023 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 9/F FLAT E | 5.33M | 408sq. ft. / 548sq. ft. | $13064 / $9726 | 13/06/2018 | 6M / -11% | Land Registry |
02/11/2023 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 32/F FLAT H | 6.5M | 417sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. | $15588 / $11691 | 24/04/2020 | 6.36M / +2% | Land Registry |
27/09/2023 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 30/F FLAT C | 8.5M | 609sq. ft. / 822sq. ft. | $13957 / $10341 | 26/02/1997 | 4.83M / +76% | Land Registry |
18/08/2023 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 2 23/F FLAT D | 6.69M | 470sq. ft. / 622sq. ft. | $14234 / $10756 | 19/06/2017 | 6M / +12% | Land Registry |
28/03/2023 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 25/F FLAT F | 6.7M | 420sq. ft. / 570sq. ft. | $15952 / $11754 | 11/10/2013 | 4.23M / +58% | Land Registry |
29/11/2022 | San Po Kong | San Po Kong Plaza Block 1 32/F FLAT B | 8.8M | 612sq. ft. / 814sq. ft. | $14379 / $10811 | 07/08/2006 | 2.5M / +252% | Land Registry |