Tsui Chuk Garden Block 9 15/F FLAT G

Gross: 660(sq. ft) @$5273

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 11 9/F FLAT H

Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$7783

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$6980

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 11 8/F FLAT E

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$8182

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$7333

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 7 10/F FLAT B

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$7413

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$6644

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 13 6/F FLAT J

Saleable: 592(sq. ft) @$5878

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$5281

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 14 17/F FLAT K

Saleable: 592(sq. ft) @$8226

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$7390

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 3 13/F FLAT E

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$5000

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$4481

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 12 16/F FLAT B

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$6818

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$6111

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 9 14/F FLAT B

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$7779

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$6972

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 10 23/F FLAT E

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$8182

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$7333

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 3 11/F FLAT J

Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$8037

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$7208

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 9 16/F FLAT E

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$7806

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$6996

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 13 9/F FLAT A

Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$6250

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 5 18/F FLAT C

Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$5668

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$5083

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 4 5/F FLAT B

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$7087

Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$6352

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 7 19/F FLAT D

Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$5973

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$5357

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 10 7/F FLAT C

Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$5465

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$4901

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 11 16/F FLAT J

Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$6345

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$5690

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 5 4/F FLAT F

Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$7722

Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$6933

  • Land Registry


Tsui Chuk Garden Block 8 26/F FLAT F

Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$5174

Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$4646

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

128 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
07/03/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 9 15/F FLAT G
3.48M -- / 660sq. ft. -- / $5273 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/02/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 11 9/F FLAT H
4.6M 591sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $7783 / $6980 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 11 8/F FLAT E
3.96M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $8182 / $7333 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 7 10/F FLAT B
3.59M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $7413 / $6644 -- -- / --
Land Registry
04/02/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 13 6/F FLAT J
3.48M 592sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $5878 / $5281 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/01/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 14 17/F FLAT K
4.87M 592sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $8226 / $7390 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/01/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 3 13/F FLAT E
2.42M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $5000 / $4481 -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/01/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 12 16/F FLAT B
3.3M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $6818 / $6111 -- -- / --
Land Registry
16/01/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 9 14/F FLAT B
3.77M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $7779 / $6972 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 10 23/F FLAT E
3.96M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $8182 / $7333 -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 3 11/F FLAT J
4.75M 591sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $8037 / $7208 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 9 16/F FLAT E
3.78M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $7806 / $6996 -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/12/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 13 9/F FLAT A
3M -- / 480sq. ft. -- / $6250 -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/12/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 5 18/F FLAT C
3.35M 591sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $5668 / $5083 -- -- / --
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 4 5/F FLAT B
3.43M 484sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. $7087 / $6352 -- -- / --
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 7 19/F FLAT D
3.53M 591sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $5973 / $5357 -- -- / --
Land Registry
27/11/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 10 7/F FLAT C
3.23M 591sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $5465 / $4901 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/11/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 11 16/F FLAT J
3.75M 591sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $6345 / $5690 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/11/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 5 4/F FLAT F
3.33M 431sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. $7722 / $6933 -- -- / --
Land Registry
11/11/2024 Wong Tai Sin
Tsui Chuk Garden
Block 8 26/F FLAT F
2.23M 431sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. $5174 / $4646 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.