Saleable: 668(sq. ft) @$12156
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$8722
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 439(sq. ft) @$11845
Gross: 627(sq. ft) @$8293
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$12456
Gross: 648(sq. ft) @$8765
Saleable: 439(sq. ft) @$11959
Gross: 627(sq. ft) @$8373
Saleable: 455(sq. ft) @$12813
Gross: 648(sq. ft) @$8997
Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$14196
Gross: 774(sq. ft) @$9922
Saleable: 455(sq. ft) @$14352
Gross: 648(sq. ft) @$10077
Saleable: 668(sq. ft) @$14371
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$10311
Saleable: 455(sq. ft) @$12352
Gross: 648(sq. ft) @$8673
Saleable: 668(sq. ft) @$14132
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$10140
Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$12939
Gross: 774(sq. ft) @$9044
Saleable: 439(sq. ft) @$15103
Gross: 627(sq. ft) @$10574
Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$15675
Gross: 774(sq. ft) @$10956
Saleable: 668(sq. ft) @$13892
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$9968
Saleable: 455(sq. ft) @$17275
Gross: 648(sq. ft) @$12130
Saleable: 455(sq. ft) @$16044
Gross: 648(sq. ft) @$11265
Saleable: 456(sq. ft) @$15241
Gross: 648(sq. ft) @$10725
Saleable: 439(sq. ft) @$13736
Gross: 627(sq. ft) @$9617
Saleable: 439(sq. ft) @$12984
Gross: 627(sq. ft) @$9091
Saleable: 668(sq. ft) @$14671
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$10526
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
06/12/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills The Forest Hills Middle Floor FLAT F | 8.12M | 668sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $12156 / $8722 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
29/10/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills The Forest Hills 15/F FLAT A | 5.2M | 439sq. ft. / 627sq. ft. | $11845 / $8293 | 15/03/2010 | 3.2M / +63% | Land Registry |
22/10/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills The Forest Hills 26/F FLAT E | 5.68M | 456sq. ft. / 648sq. ft. | $12456 / $8765 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/08/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills The Forest Hills 21/F FLAT H | 5.25M | 439sq. ft. / 627sq. ft. | $11959 / $8373 | 03/08/2012 | 3.92M / +34% | Land Registry |
18/07/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills The Forest Hills 30/F FLAT E | 5.83M | 455sq. ft. / 648sq. ft. | $12813 / $8997 | 30/07/2010 | 3.49M / +67% | Land Registry |
27/06/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 46/F FLAT G | 7.68M | 541sq. ft. / 774sq. ft. | $14196 / $9922 | 05/04/2017 | 8.43M / -9% | Land Registry |
26/06/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 47/F FLAT D | 6.53M | 455sq. ft. / 648sq. ft. | $14352 / $10077 | 23/03/2010 | 4.15M / +58% | Land Registry |
29/04/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 49/F FLAT C | 9.6M | 668sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $14371 / $10311 | 28/07/2010 | 6.35M / +51% | Land Registry |
26/03/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 18/F FLAT D | 5.62M | 455sq. ft. / 648sq. ft. | $12352 / $8673 | 22/04/2016 | 5.19M / +8% | Land Registry |
06/03/2024 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 33/F FLAT F | 9.44M | 668sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $14132 / $10140 | 28/09/2011 | 5.99M / +58% | Land Registry |
21/11/2023 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 26/F FLAT G | 7M | 541sq. ft. / 774sq. ft. | $12939 / $9044 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/10/2023 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 30/F FLAT A | 6.63M | 439sq. ft. / 627sq. ft. | $15103 / $10574 | 18/03/2020 | 6.78M / -2% | Land Registry |
04/10/2023 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 47/F FLAT G | 8.48M | 541sq. ft. / 774sq. ft. | $15675 / $10956 | 16/09/2009 | 4.43M / +91% | Land Registry |
26/04/2023 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 30/F FLAT C | 9.28M | 668sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $13892 / $9968 | 13/01/2012 | 5.68M / +63% | Land Registry |
18/04/2023 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 46/F FLAT E | 7.86M | 455sq. ft. / 648sq. ft. | $17275 / $12130 | 20/03/2017 | 6.78M / +16% | Land Registry |
17/03/2023 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 37/F FLAT E | 7.3M | 455sq. ft. / 648sq. ft. | $16044 / $11265 | 13/04/2012 | 4.48M / +63% | Land Registry |
03/03/2023 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 26/F FLAT D | 6.95M | 456sq. ft. / 648sq. ft. | $15241 / $10725 | 27/07/2010 | 3.4M / +104% | Land Registry |
06/12/2022 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 17/F FLAT A | 6.03M | 439sq. ft. / 627sq. ft. | $13736 / $9617 | 31/10/2007 | 2.8M / +115% | Land Registry |
22/11/2022 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 9/F FLAT A | 5.7M | 439sq. ft. / 627sq. ft. | $12984 / $9091 | 04/10/2007 | 2.71M / +110% | Land Registry |
28/10/2022 | Wong Tai Sin | The Forest Hills THE FOREST HILLS 32/F FLAT C | 9.8M | 668sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $14671 / $10526 | 16/04/2008 | 5.4M / +82% | Land Registry |