One Beacon Hill 3期 09座 Lower Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 1104(sq. ft) @$19203

Gross: 1478(sq. ft) @$14344

  • Market Info
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 9 6/F FLAT B
$20.80M +195%

Saleable: 1091(sq. ft) @$19065

Gross: 1475(sq. ft) @$14102

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 12 5/F FLAT D
$19.60M +73%

Saleable: 990(sq. ft) @$19798

Gross: 1326(sq. ft) @$14781

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 12 3/F FLAT A
$23.08M +189%

Saleable: 1110(sq. ft) @$20793

Gross: 1480(sq. ft) @$15595

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 9 12/F FLAT B
$26.38M +36%

Saleable: 1091(sq. ft) @$24180

Gross: 1475(sq. ft) @$17885

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 11 10/F FLAT D
$22.00M -7%

Saleable: 990(sq. ft) @$22222

Gross: 1326(sq. ft) @$16591

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 12 2/F FLAT A
$22.00M +98%

Saleable: 1110(sq. ft) @$19820

Gross: 1480(sq. ft) @$14865

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 11 10/F FLAT A
$28.57M +266%

Saleable: 1104(sq. ft) @$25879

Gross: 1473(sq. ft) @$19396

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 11 11/F FLAT A
$28.86M +270%

Saleable: 1104(sq. ft) @$26141

Gross: 1473(sq. ft) @$19593

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 11 12/F FLAT B
$29.22M +290%

Saleable: 1086(sq. ft) @$26906

Gross: 1469(sq. ft) @$19891

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 11 12/F FLAT A
$29.14M +269%

Saleable: 1104(sq. ft) @$26395

Gross: 1473(sq. ft) @$19783

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 9 8/F FLAT B
$26.50M +70%

Saleable: 1091(sq. ft) @$24290

Gross: 1475(sq. ft) @$17966

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 8 11/F FLAT A
$24.00M +186%

Saleable: 1110(sq. ft) @$21622

Gross: 1479(sq. ft) @$16227

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 11 10/F FLAT C
$19.80M +76%

Saleable: 1068(sq. ft) @$18539

Gross: 1435(sq. ft) @$13798

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 8 1/F FLAT D
$20.80M +4%

Saleable: 990(sq. ft) @$21010

Gross: 1326(sq. ft) @$15686

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 8 15/F FLAT D
$28.00M +297%

Saleable: 990(sq. ft) @$28283

Gross: 1326(sq. ft) @$21116

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 8 15/F FLAT C
$35.80M +401%

Saleable: 1068(sq. ft) @$33521

Gross: 1435(sq. ft) @$24948

  • Land Registry


One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 9 2/F FLAT B
$27.00M -4%

Saleable: 1091(sq. ft) @$24748

Gross: 1475(sq. ft) @$18305

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

18 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
23/02/2025 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill 3期
09座 Lower Floor FLAT A
21.2M 1104sq. ft. / 1478sq. ft. $19203 / $14344 -- -- / --
Market Info
12/02/2025 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 9 6/F FLAT B
20.8M 1091sq. ft. / 1475sq. ft. $19065 / $14102 26/05/2003 7.04M / +195%
Land Registry
10/01/2025 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 12 5/F FLAT D
19.6M 990sq. ft. / 1326sq. ft. $19798 / $14781 18/05/2005 11.3M / +73%
Land Registry
13/11/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 12 3/F FLAT A
23.08M 1110sq. ft. / 1480sq. ft. $20793 / $15595 17/10/2003 8M / +189%
Land Registry
02/05/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 9 12/F FLAT B
26.38M 1091sq. ft. / 1475sq. ft. $24180 / $17885 01/02/2010 19.4M / +36%
Land Registry
26/04/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 11 10/F FLAT D
22M 990sq. ft. / 1326sq. ft. $22222 / $16591 20/03/2015 23.6M / -7%
Land Registry
19/03/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 12 2/F FLAT A
22M 1110sq. ft. / 1480sq. ft. $19820 / $14865 17/02/2005 11.1M / +98%
Land Registry
21/02/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 11 10/F FLAT A
28.57M 1104sq. ft. / 1473sq. ft. $25879 / $19396 03/04/2003 7.8M / +266%
Land Registry
21/02/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 11 11/F FLAT A
28.86M 1104sq. ft. / 1473sq. ft. $26141 / $19593 03/04/2003 7.8M / +270%
Land Registry
21/02/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 11 12/F FLAT B
29.22M 1086sq. ft. / 1469sq. ft. $26906 / $19891 03/04/2003 7.5M / +290%
Land Registry
21/02/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 11 12/F FLAT A
29.14M 1104sq. ft. / 1473sq. ft. $26395 / $19783 03/04/2003 7.9M / +269%
Land Registry
06/02/2024 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 9 8/F FLAT B
26.5M 1091sq. ft. / 1475sq. ft. $24290 / $17966 09/02/2007 15.6M / +70%
Land Registry
23/06/2023 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 8 11/F FLAT A
24M 1110sq. ft. / 1479sq. ft. $21622 / $16227 09/09/2003 8.4M / +186%
Land Registry
15/02/2023 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 11 10/F FLAT C
19.8M 1068sq. ft. / 1435sq. ft. $18539 / $13798 08/12/2006 11.25M / +76%
Land Registry
29/11/2022 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 8 1/F FLAT D
20.8M 990sq. ft. / 1326sq. ft. $21010 / $15686 02/10/2015 19.99M / +4%
Land Registry
26/07/2022 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 8 15/F FLAT D
28M 990sq. ft. / 1326sq. ft. $28283 / $21116 05/09/2003 7.06M / +297%
Land Registry
22/07/2022 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 8 15/F FLAT C
35.8M 1068sq. ft. / 1435sq. ft. $33521 / $24948 05/09/2003 7.15M / +401%
Land Registry
11/03/2022 Kowloon Tong
One Beacon Hill Phase 3
Tower 9 2/F FLAT B
27M 1091sq. ft. / 1475sq. ft. $24748 / $18305 08/02/2018 28M / -4%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.