Saleable: 976(sq. ft) @$20492
Gross: 1324(sq. ft) @$15106
Saleable: 1086(sq. ft) @$26703
Gross: 1469(sq. ft) @$19741
Saleable: 990(sq. ft) @$22071
Gross: 1326(sq. ft) @$16478
Saleable: 1094(sq. ft) @$29250
Gross: 1377(sq. ft) @$23239
Saleable: 2190(sq. ft) @$34703
Saleable: 1068(sq. ft) @$24813
Gross: 1435(sq. ft) @$18467
Saleable: 1099(sq. ft) @$22293
Gross: 1487(sq. ft) @$16476
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
18/12/2024 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 1 Tower 1 2/F FLAT A | 20M | 976sq. ft. / 1324sq. ft. | $20492 / $15106 | 12/03/2003 | 6.55M / +205% | Land Registry |
29/07/2024 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 1 Tower 10 6/F FLAT B | 29M | 1086sq. ft. / 1469sq. ft. | $26703 / $19741 | 09/07/2010 | 18.88M / +54% | Land Registry |
18/04/2024 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 1 Tower 10 7/F FLAT D | 21.85M | 990sq. ft. / 1326sq. ft. | $22071 / $16478 | 02/03/2012 | 16.38M / +33% | Land Registry |
08/02/2024 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 1 Tower 1 G/F FLAT C | 32M | 1094sq. ft. / 1377sq. ft. | $29250 / $23239 | 31/10/2012 | 35M / -9% | Land Registry |
15/03/2023 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 1 Tower 3 G/F FLAT B | 76M | 2190sq. ft. / -- | $34703 / -- | 03/03/2003 | 9.38M / +710% | Land Registry |
08/03/2023 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 1 Tower 10 7/F FLAT C | 26.5M | 1068sq. ft. / 1435sq. ft. | $24813 / $18467 | 14/04/2009 | 12.8M / +107% | Land Registry |
23/02/2023 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 1 Tower 3 3/F FLAT E | 24.5M | 1099sq. ft. / 1487sq. ft. | $22293 / $16476 | 02/04/2005 | 14.87M / +65% | Land Registry |