Aqua Marine Tower 1 Upper Floor FLAT H

Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$15306

Gross: 784(sq. ft) @$11480

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Aqua Marine Tower 2 49/F FLAT B
$21.00M +3%

Saleable: 1168(sq. ft) @$17979

Gross: 1593(sq. ft) @$13183

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 2 5/F FLAT F
$6.36M +25%

Saleable: 494(sq. ft) @$12874

Gross: 664(sq. ft) @$9578

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 6 40/F FLAT D
$7.70M +144%

Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$15098

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$11324

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 33/F FLAT C
$7.15M +110%

Saleable: 499(sq. ft) @$14329

Gross: 662(sq. ft) @$10801

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 25/F FLAT G
$7.50M -6%

Saleable: 497(sq. ft) @$15091

Gross: 667(sq. ft) @$11244

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 10/F FLAT G
$7.13M +168%

Saleable: 494(sq. ft) @$14429

Gross: 667(sq. ft) @$10687

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 7/F FLAT E
$6.68M +140%

Saleable: 502(sq. ft) @$13307

Gross: 679(sq. ft) @$9838

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 29/F FLAT H
$8.25M -23%

Saleable: 581(sq. ft) @$14200

Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$10536

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 6 23/F FLAT A
$8.45M +140%

Saleable: 581(sq. ft) @$14544

Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$10792

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 6 40/F FLAT G
$7.28M +106%

Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$14531

Gross: 665(sq. ft) @$10947

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 5/F FLAT E
$6.48M +138%

Saleable: 502(sq. ft) @$12908

Gross: 679(sq. ft) @$9543

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 5 18/F FLAT C
$7.36M +152%

Saleable: 494(sq. ft) @$14899

Gross: 664(sq. ft) @$11084

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 18/F FLAT C
$7.19M +19%

Saleable: 494(sq. ft) @$14555

Gross: 664(sq. ft) @$10828

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 3 11/F FLAT D
$7.24M +101%

Saleable: 505(sq. ft) @$14333

Gross: 677(sq. ft) @$10691

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 27/F FLAT G
$7.20M +36%

Saleable: 497(sq. ft) @$14487

Gross: 667(sq. ft) @$10795

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 1 39/F FLAT G
$7.40M -12%

Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$14770

Gross: 665(sq. ft) @$11128

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 6 22/F FLAT B
$7.30M +152%

Saleable: 497(sq. ft) @$14688

Gross: 667(sq. ft) @$10945

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 6 36/F FLAT E
$7.55M +129%

Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$14804

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$11103

  • Land Registry


Aqua Marine Tower 2 17/F FLAT C
$7.08M +97%

Saleable: 494(sq. ft) @$14332

Gross: 664(sq. ft) @$10663

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

179 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
10/12/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 Upper Floor FLAT H
9M 588sq. ft. / 784sq. ft. $15306 / $11480 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
10/12/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 2 49/F FLAT B
21M 1168sq. ft. / 1593sq. ft. $17979 / $13183 07/05/2015 20.31M / +3%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 2 5/F FLAT F
6.36M 494sq. ft. / 664sq. ft. $12874 / $9578 09/05/2014 5.08M / +25%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 6 40/F FLAT D
7.7M 510sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $15098 / $11324 08/06/2009 3.15M / +144%
Land Registry
02/12/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 33/F FLAT C
7.15M 499sq. ft. / 662sq. ft. $14329 / $10801 05/02/2008 3.4M / +110%
Land Registry
25/11/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 25/F FLAT G
7.5M 497sq. ft. / 667sq. ft. $15091 / $11244 15/08/2018 8M / -6%
Land Registry
18/11/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 10/F FLAT G
7.13M 494sq. ft. / 667sq. ft. $14429 / $10687 22/11/2006 2.66M / +168%
Land Registry
18/11/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 7/F FLAT E
6.68M 502sq. ft. / 679sq. ft. $13307 / $9838 27/02/2007 2.78M / +140%
Land Registry
13/11/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 29/F FLAT H
8.25M 581sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. $14200 / $10536 21/03/2018 10.7M / -23%
Land Registry
11/11/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 6 23/F FLAT A
8.45M 581sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. $14544 / $10792 21/09/2007 3.52M / +140%
Land Registry
23/10/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 6 40/F FLAT G
7.28M 501sq. ft. / 665sq. ft. $14531 / $10947 08/10/2009 3.53M / +106%
Land Registry
07/10/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 5/F FLAT E
6.48M 502sq. ft. / 679sq. ft. $12908 / $9543 27/06/2007 2.72M / +138%
Land Registry
20/09/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 5 18/F FLAT C
7.36M 494sq. ft. / 664sq. ft. $14899 / $11084 03/11/2004 2.93M / +152%
Land Registry
03/09/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 18/F FLAT C
7.19M 494sq. ft. / 664sq. ft. $14555 / $10828 13/05/2016 6.06M / +19%
Land Registry
02/09/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 3 11/F FLAT D
7.24M 505sq. ft. / 677sq. ft. $14333 / $10691 08/03/2010 3.6M / +101%
Land Registry
30/08/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 27/F FLAT G
7.2M 497sq. ft. / 667sq. ft. $14487 / $10795 17/08/2012 5.3M / +36%
Land Registry
29/08/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 1 39/F FLAT G
7.4M 501sq. ft. / 665sq. ft. $14770 / $11128 02/05/2017 8.37M / -12%
Land Registry
27/08/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 6 22/F FLAT B
7.3M 497sq. ft. / 667sq. ft. $14688 / $10945 02/04/2005 2.9M / +152%
Land Registry
22/08/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 6 36/F FLAT E
7.55M 510sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $14804 / $11103 05/06/2009 3.3M / +129%
Land Registry
02/08/2024 Four Little Dragons
Aqua Marine
Tower 2 17/F FLAT C
7.08M 494sq. ft. / 664sq. ft. $14332 / $10663 09/07/2010 3.59M / +97%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.