Saleable: 2913(sq. ft) @$42911
Saleable: 2913(sq. ft) @$48060
Saleable: 1682(sq. ft) @$40357
Saleable: 1743(sq. ft) @$40333
Saleable: 1683(sq. ft) @$43422
Saleable: 1743(sq. ft) @$43419
Saleable: 1699(sq. ft) @$41376
Saleable: 1724(sq. ft) @$41001
Saleable: 1760(sq. ft) @$41528
Saleable: 2846(sq. ft) @$49543
Saleable: 7171(sq. ft) @$70841
Saleable: 1699(sq. ft) @$41376
Saleable: 1760(sq. ft) @$41575
Saleable: 1699(sq. ft) @$43849
Saleable: 3017(sq. ft) @$75406
Saleable: 1699(sq. ft) @$49000
Saleable: 2913(sq. ft) @$62404
Saleable: 2939(sq. ft) @$56482
Saleable: 2913(sq. ft) @$59622
Saleable: 1656(sq. ft) @$39010
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
08/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge House 8 NO. 9 HOUSE 8 | 125M | 2913sq. ft. / -- | $42911 / -- | 08/02/2021 | 159.5M / -22% | Land Registry |
03/06/2024 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge House 7 NO. 9 HOUSE 7 | 140M | 2913sq. ft. / -- | $48060 / -- | 21/02/2022 | 181.78M / -23% | Land Registry |
18/04/2023 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 2 1/F FLAT B | 67.88M | 1682sq. ft. / -- | $40357 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
30/03/2023 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 2 1/F FLAT A | 70.3M | 1743sq. ft. / -- | $40333 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
28/03/2023 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 1/F FLAT B | 73.08M | 1683sq. ft. / -- | $43422 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
28/03/2023 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 1/F FLAT A | 75.68M | 1743sq. ft. / -- | $43419 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
27/02/2023 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 2 2/F FLAT B | 70.3M | 1699sq. ft. / -- | $41376 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
10/02/2023 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 G/F FLAT A | 70.69M | 1724sq. ft. / -- | $41001 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
14/12/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 2 2/F FLAT A | 73.09M | 1760sq. ft. / -- | $41528 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/11/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge House 5 NO. 9 HOUSE 5 | 141M | 2846sq. ft. / -- | $49543 / -- | 09/04/2019 | 235M / -40% | Land Registry |
07/11/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Villa 1 NO. 9 VILLA 1 | 508M | 7171sq. ft. / -- | $70841 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
16/09/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 2/F FLAT B | 70.3M | 1699sq. ft. / -- | $41376 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
17/08/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 2/F FLAT A | 73.17M | 1760sq. ft. / -- | $41575 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
12/07/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 2 3/F FLAT B | 74.5M | 1699sq. ft. / -- | $43849 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
23/06/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 7/F FLAT A | 227.5M | 3017sq. ft. / -- | $75406 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
04/05/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 5/F FLAT B | 83.25M | 1699sq. ft. / -- | $49000 / -- | 30/06/2021 | 84.95M / -2% | Land Registry |
16/03/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge House 7 NO. 9 HOUSE 7 | 181.78M | 2913sq. ft. / -- | $62404 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
28/02/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge House 6 NO. 9 HOUSE 6 | 166M | 2939sq. ft. / -- | $56482 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
11/02/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge House 16 NO. 9 HOUSE 16 | 173.68M | 2913sq. ft. / -- | $59622 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
08/02/2022 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge Tower 1 G/F FLAT B | 64.6M | 1656sq. ft. / -- | $39010 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |