Saleable: 873(sq. ft) @$12371
Gross: 1172(sq. ft) @$9215
Saleable: 963(sq. ft) @$13499
Gross: 1295(sq. ft) @$10039
Saleable: 867(sq. ft) @$11903
Gross: 1160(sq. ft) @$8897
Saleable: 869(sq. ft) @$11715
Gross: 1167(sq. ft) @$8723
Saleable: 970(sq. ft) @$13402
Gross: 1303(sq. ft) @$9977
Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$11516
Gross: 682(sq. ft) @$8798
Saleable: 973(sq. ft) @$13566
Gross: 1307(sq. ft) @$10099
Saleable: 873(sq. ft) @$13517
Gross: 1172(sq. ft) @$10068
Saleable: 877(sq. ft) @$14253
Gross: 1172(sq. ft) @$10666
Saleable: 973(sq. ft) @$14029
Gross: 1307(sq. ft) @$10444
Saleable: 616(sq. ft) @$13799
Gross: 821(sq. ft) @$10353
Saleable: 952(sq. ft) @$12080
Gross: 1295(sq. ft) @$8880
Saleable: 873(sq. ft) @$13860
Gross: 1172(sq. ft) @$10324
Saleable: 870(sq. ft) @$13448
Gross: 1172(sq. ft) @$9983
Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$14933
Gross: 682(sq. ft) @$11408
Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$15470
Gross: 682(sq. ft) @$11818
Saleable: 616(sq. ft) @$15455
Gross: 821(sq. ft) @$11596
Saleable: 867(sq. ft) @$15317
Gross: 1160(sq. ft) @$11448
Saleable: 877(sq. ft) @$15849
Gross: 1172(sq. ft) @$11860
Saleable: 864(sq. ft) @$13893
Gross: 1158(sq. ft) @$10366
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
20/12/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 12/F FLAT D | 10.8M | 873sq. ft. / 1172sq. ft. | $12371 / $9215 | 26/03/2013 | 11.35M / -5% | Land Registry |
17/12/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 29/F FLAT D | 13M | 963sq. ft. / 1295sq. ft. | $13499 / $10039 | 30/01/2013 | 12.89M / +1% | Land Registry |
08/11/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 25/F FLAT B | 10.32M | 867sq. ft. / 1160sq. ft. | $11903 / $8897 | 22/08/2017 | 10.5M / -2% | Land Registry |
02/10/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 43/F FLAT D | 10.18M | 869sq. ft. / 1167sq. ft. | $11715 / $8723 | 10/12/2012 | 12.51M / -19% | Land Registry |
22/08/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 43/F FLAT A | 13M | 970sq. ft. / 1303sq. ft. | $13402 / $9977 | 19/03/2013 | 14.63M / -11% | Land Registry |
12/07/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 26/F FLAT B | 6M | 521sq. ft. / 682sq. ft. | $11516 / $8798 | 14/11/2017 | 7.98M / -25% | Land Registry |
21/05/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 32/F FLAT A | 13.2M | 973sq. ft. / 1307sq. ft. | $13566 / $10099 | 15/03/2013 | 13.66M / -3% | Land Registry |
24/01/2024 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 6/F FLAT D | 11.8M | 873sq. ft. / 1172sq. ft. | $13517 / $10068 | 19/03/2013 | 10.64M / +11% | Land Registry |
15/12/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 25/F FLAT A | 12.5M | 877sq. ft. / 1172sq. ft. | $14253 / $10666 | 19/03/2013 | 11.8M / +6% | Land Registry |
28/11/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 22/F FLAT A | 13.65M | 973sq. ft. / 1307sq. ft. | $14029 / $10444 | 10/12/2012 | 13.49M / +1% | Land Registry |
23/11/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 18/F FLAT C | 8.5M | 616sq. ft. / 821sq. ft. | $13799 / $10353 | 19/12/2012 | 7.47M / +14% | Land Registry |
10/11/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 21/F FLAT D | 11.5M | 952sq. ft. / 1295sq. ft. | $12080 / $8880 | 12/12/2012 | 13.17M / -13% | Land Registry |
13/10/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 11/F FLAT D | 12.1M | 873sq. ft. / 1172sq. ft. | $13860 / $10324 | 16/01/2018 | 13.38M / -10% | Land Registry |
29/08/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 6/F FLAT A | 11.7M | 870sq. ft. / 1172sq. ft. | $13448 / $9983 | 09/01/2013 | 10.66M / +10% | Land Registry |
07/08/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 16/F FLAT B | 7.78M | 521sq. ft. / 682sq. ft. | $14933 / $11408 | 09/02/2018 | 7.95M / -2% | Land Registry |
13/07/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 25/F FLAT B | 8.06M | 521sq. ft. / 682sq. ft. | $15470 / $11818 | 31/12/2012 | 6.13M / +32% | Land Registry |
21/04/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 11/F FLAT C | 9.52M | 616sq. ft. / 821sq. ft. | $15455 / $11596 | 14/01/2013 | 6.98M / +36% | Land Registry |
30/03/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 36/F FLAT B | 13.28M | 867sq. ft. / 1160sq. ft. | $15317 / $11448 | 15/03/2013 | 10.72M / +24% | Land Registry |
22/03/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 29/F FLAT A | 13.9M | 877sq. ft. / 1172sq. ft. | $15849 / $11860 | 06/12/2012 | 12.31M / +13% | Land Registry |
27/01/2023 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 1 19/F FLAT C | 12M | 864sq. ft. / 1158sq. ft. | $13893 / $10366 | 28/01/2013 | 11.35M / +6% | Land Registry |