Saleable: 708(sq. ft) @$13418
Gross: 941(sq. ft) @$10096
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 1046(sq. ft) @$14818
Gross: 1344(sq. ft) @$11533
Saleable: 708(sq. ft) @$12966
Gross: 941(sq. ft) @$9756
Saleable: 1255(sq. ft) @$18327
Gross: 1652(sq. ft) @$13923
Saleable: 737(sq. ft) @$14763
Gross: 985(sq. ft) @$11046
Saleable: 862(sq. ft) @$14617
Gross: 1151(sq. ft) @$10947
Saleable: 862(sq. ft) @$14327
Gross: 1151(sq. ft) @$10730
Saleable: 364(sq. ft) @$14286
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$10766
Saleable: 862(sq. ft) @$13805
Gross: 1151(sq. ft) @$10339
Saleable: 1262(sq. ft) @$13471
Gross: 1662(sq. ft) @$10229
Saleable: 1046(sq. ft) @$14367
Gross: 1344(sq. ft) @$11182
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$18182
Gross: 737(sq. ft) @$13569
Saleable: 364(sq. ft) @$18187
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$13706
Saleable: 609(sq. ft) @$15271
Gross: 811(sq. ft) @$11467
Saleable: 364(sq. ft) @$19231
Gross: 482(sq. ft) @$14523
Saleable: 1298(sq. ft) @$19330
Gross: 1674(sq. ft) @$14988
Saleable: 364(sq. ft) @$16484
Gross: 482(sq. ft) @$12448
Saleable: 389(sq. ft) @$16452
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$12451
Saleable: 609(sq. ft) @$16371
Gross: 811(sq. ft) @$12293
Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$19000
Gross: 737(sq. ft) @$14179
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
21/01/2025 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 Lower Floor FLAT D | 9.5M | 708sq. ft. / 941sq. ft. | $13418 / $10096 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
13/09/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 32/F FLAT C | 15.5M | 1046sq. ft. / 1344sq. ft. | $14818 / $11533 | 15/12/2017 | 17.5M / -11% | Land Registry |
30/08/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 9/F FLAT D | 9.18M | 708sq. ft. / 941sq. ft. | $12966 / $9756 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/08/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 31/F FLAT B | 23M | 1255sq. ft. / 1652sq. ft. | $18327 / $13923 | 17/04/2014 | 20.39M / +13% | Land Registry |
16/07/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 21/F FLAT E | 10.88M | 737sq. ft. / 985sq. ft. | $14763 / $11046 | 04/07/2012 | 10.94M / -1% | Land Registry |
19/06/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 3/F FLAT A | 12.6M | 862sq. ft. / 1151sq. ft. | $14617 / $10947 | 25/10/2012 | 13.5M / -7% | Land Registry |
03/05/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 7/F FLAT A | 12.35M | 862sq. ft. / 1151sq. ft. | $14327 / $10730 | 04/06/2012 | 13.39M / -8% | Land Registry |
25/04/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 8/F FLAT E | 5.2M | 364sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $14286 / $10766 | 01/02/2012 | 5.03M / +3% | Land Registry |
22/04/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 7/F FLAT A | 11.9M | 862sq. ft. / 1151sq. ft. | $13805 / $10339 | 23/08/2012 | 13.55M / -12% | Land Registry |
23/01/2024 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 27/F FLAT B | 17M | 1262sq. ft. / 1662sq. ft. | $13471 / $10229 | 11/04/2014 | 19.21M / -12% | Land Registry |
12/12/2023 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 33/F FLAT C | 15.03M | 1046sq. ft. / 1344sq. ft. | $14367 / $11182 | 07/04/2014 | 15.75M / -5% | Land Registry |
11/09/2023 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 11/F FLAT B | 10M | 550sq. ft. / 737sq. ft. | $18182 / $13569 | 18/01/2012 | 8.1M / +23% | Land Registry |
04/04/2023 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 9/F FLAT E | 6.62M | 364sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $18187 / $13706 | 22/10/2019 | 6.75M / -2% | Land Registry |
06/01/2023 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 25/F FLAT D | 9.3M | 609sq. ft. / 811sq. ft. | $15271 / $11467 | 10/03/2014 | 8.5M / +9% | Land Registry |
27/06/2022 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 23/F FLAT C | 7M | 364sq. ft. / 482sq. ft. | $19231 / $14523 | 25/04/2014 | 6.03M / +16% | Land Registry |
24/06/2022 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 35/F FLAT B | 25.09M | 1298sq. ft. / 1674sq. ft. | $19330 / $14988 | 28/04/2014 | 23.23M / +8% | Land Registry |
24/06/2022 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 19/F FLAT C | 6M | 364sq. ft. / 482sq. ft. | $16484 / $12448 | 26/04/2017 | 6M / +0% | Land Registry |
13/06/2022 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 3/F FLAT C | 6.4M | 389sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $16452 / $12451 | 01/02/2012 | 5.17M / +24% | Land Registry |
08/06/2022 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 2 25/F FLAT D | 9.97M | 609sq. ft. / 811sq. ft. | $16371 / $12293 | 17/10/2012 | 9.16M / +9% | Land Registry |
31/05/2022 | Hung Hom | Chatham Gate Tower 1 16/F FLAT B | 10.45M | 550sq. ft. / 737sq. ft. | $19000 / $14179 | 12/01/2012 | 7.95M / +31% | Land Registry |