Saleable: 829(sq. ft) @$15440
Gross: 1089(sq. ft) @$11754
Saleable: 1074(sq. ft) @$23743
Gross: 1423(sq. ft) @$17920
Saleable: 1341(sq. ft) @$17569
Gross: 1757(sq. ft) @$13409
Saleable: 829(sq. ft) @$15185
Gross: 1089(sq. ft) @$11559
Saleable: 1321(sq. ft) @$20061
Gross: 1731(sq. ft) @$15309
Saleable: 1920(sq. ft) @$35677
Gross: 2537(sq. ft) @$27000
Saleable: 1321(sq. ft) @$21196
Gross: 1731(sq. ft) @$16176
Saleable: 1343(sq. ft) @$20908
Gross: 1762(sq. ft) @$15936
Saleable: 777(sq. ft) @$18018
Gross: 1011(sq. ft) @$13848
Saleable: 1008(sq. ft) @$24306
Gross: 1309(sq. ft) @$18717
Saleable: 992(sq. ft) @$22681
Gross: 1312(sq. ft) @$17149
Saleable: 1830(sq. ft) @$30208
Gross: 2514(sq. ft) @$21989
Saleable: 1074(sq. ft) @$23091
Gross: 1423(sq. ft) @$17428
Saleable: 962(sq. ft) @$19491
Gross: 1276(sq. ft) @$14694
Saleable: 1001(sq. ft) @$19481
Gross: 1331(sq. ft) @$14651
Saleable: 842(sq. ft) @$20784
Gross: 1119(sq. ft) @$15639
Saleable: 842(sq. ft) @$22090
Gross: 1119(sq. ft) @$16622
Saleable: 1343(sq. ft) @$24944
Gross: 1762(sq. ft) @$19012
Saleable: 962(sq. ft) @$20873
Gross: 1276(sq. ft) @$15737
Saleable: 1288(sq. ft) @$28183
Gross: 1681(sq. ft) @$21594
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
05/02/2025 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 8 22/F FLAT D | 12.8M | 829sq. ft. / 1089sq. ft. | $15440 / $11754 | 18/04/2016 | 11.5M / +11% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 2 18/F FLAT B | 25.5M | 1074sq. ft. / 1423sq. ft. | $23743 / $17920 | 24/02/2008 | 17.8M / +43% | Land Registry |
05/12/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 6 21/F FLAT C | 23.56M | 1341sq. ft. / 1757sq. ft. | $17569 / $13409 | 18/03/2004 | 10.2M / +131% | Land Registry |
20/09/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 8 15/F FLAT D | 12.59M | 829sq. ft. / 1089sq. ft. | $15185 / $11559 | 05/10/2012 | 12.93M / -3% | Land Registry |
29/08/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 8 32/F FLAT A | 26.5M | 1321sq. ft. / 1731sq. ft. | $20061 / $15309 | 30/06/2005 | 14.36M / +85% | Land Registry |
11/06/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 2 32/F FLAT A | 68.5M | 1920sq. ft. / 2537sq. ft. | $35677 / $27000 | 21/11/2018 | 78.5M / -13% | Land Registry |
04/06/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 8 20/F FLAT A | 28M | 1321sq. ft. / 1731sq. ft. | $21196 / $16176 | 23/01/2008 | 19.2M / +46% | Land Registry |
09/05/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 1 23/F FLAT C | 28.08M | 1343sq. ft. / 1762sq. ft. | $20908 / $15936 | 04/08/2010 | 22.5M / +25% | Land Registry |
29/04/2024 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 6 20/F FLAT B | 14M | 777sq. ft. / 1011sq. ft. | $18018 / $13848 | 07/08/2014 | 14.38M / -3% | Land Registry |
19/09/2023 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 5 21/F FLAT A | 24.5M | 1008sq. ft. / 1309sq. ft. | $24306 / $18717 | 14/09/2016 | 17.6M / +39% | Land Registry |
25/08/2023 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 7 32/F FLAT C | 22.5M | 992sq. ft. / 1312sq. ft. | $22681 / $17149 | 18/11/2004 | 10.53M / +114% | Land Registry |
06/07/2023 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 8 33/F FLAT C | 55.28M | 1830sq. ft. / 2514sq. ft. | $30208 / $21989 | 10/01/2011 | 39.41M / +40% | Land Registry |
04/04/2023 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 3 23/F FLAT B | 24.8M | 1074sq. ft. / 1423sq. ft. | $23091 / $17428 | 22/12/2007 | 16.33M / +52% | Land Registry |
29/03/2023 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 5 9/F FLAT C | 18.75M | 962sq. ft. / 1276sq. ft. | $19491 / $14694 | 28/12/2007 | 9.6M / +95% | Land Registry |
27/03/2023 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 9 19/F FLAT D | 19.5M | 1001sq. ft. / 1331sq. ft. | $19481 / $14651 | 06/07/2010 | 12.7M / +54% | Land Registry |
17/11/2022 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 2 18/F FLAT D | 17.5M | 842sq. ft. / 1119sq. ft. | $20784 / $15639 | 14/07/2014 | 13.3M / +32% | Land Registry |
10/06/2022 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 1 17/F FLAT D | 18.6M | 842sq. ft. / 1119sq. ft. | $22090 / $16622 | 23/12/2008 | 8.3M / +124% | Land Registry |
02/06/2022 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 1 10/F FLAT C | 33.5M | 1343sq. ft. / 1762sq. ft. | $24944 / $19012 | 16/11/2007 | 16.48M / +103% | Land Registry |
31/05/2022 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 5 8/F FLAT C | 20.08M | 962sq. ft. / 1276sq. ft. | $20873 / $15737 | 04/12/2015 | 15.5M / +30% | Land Registry |
30/05/2022 | King's Park | Parc Palais Tower 8 28/F FLAT C | 36.3M | 1288sq. ft. / 1681sq. ft. | $28183 / $21594 | 03/02/2010 | 18.8M / +93% | Land Registry |