Gross: 844(sq. ft) @$9796
Saleable: 606(sq. ft) @$11551
Gross: 742(sq. ft) @$9434
Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$11929
Gross: 712(sq. ft) @$9902
Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$11357
Gross: 835(sq. ft) @$9521
Saleable: 478(sq. ft) @$11192
Gross: 573(sq. ft) @$9337
Saleable: 478(sq. ft) @$12134
Gross: 573(sq. ft) @$10122
Saleable: 590(sq. ft) @$12203
Gross: 719(sq. ft) @$10014
Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$12564
Gross: 835(sq. ft) @$10533
Saleable: 590(sq. ft) @$11119
Gross: 719(sq. ft) @$9124
Saleable: 606(sq. ft) @$12508
Gross: 742(sq. ft) @$10216
Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$11971
Gross: 844(sq. ft) @$9929
Saleable: 606(sq. ft) @$12871
Gross: 742(sq. ft) @$10512
Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$11286
Gross: 835(sq. ft) @$9461
Saleable: 478(sq. ft) @$13556
Gross: 573(sq. ft) @$11309
Saleable: 590(sq. ft) @$11017
Gross: 719(sq. ft) @$9040
Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$11971
Gross: 835(sq. ft) @$10036
Saleable: 478(sq. ft) @$15063
Gross: 586(sq. ft) @$12287
Saleable: 591(sq. ft) @$14044
Gross: 712(sq. ft) @$11657
Saleable: 478(sq. ft) @$15272
Gross: 573(sq. ft) @$12740
Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$14714
Gross: 844(sq. ft) @$12204
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
21/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 4 15/F FLAT G | 8.27M | -- / 844sq. ft. | -- / $9796 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
13/12/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 3 10/F FLAT A | 7M | 606sq. ft. / 742sq. ft. | $11551 / $9434 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
06/11/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 2 21/F FLAT C | 7.05M | 591sq. ft. / 712sq. ft. | $11929 / $9902 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/10/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 1 15/F FLAT B | 7.95M | 700sq. ft. / 835sq. ft. | $11357 / $9521 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/10/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 1 18/F FLAT D | 5.35M | 478sq. ft. / 573sq. ft. | $11192 / $9337 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/08/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 1 9/F FLAT D | 5.8M | 478sq. ft. / 573sq. ft. | $12134 / $10122 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/08/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 4 5/F FLAT C | 7.2M | 590sq. ft. / 719sq. ft. | $12203 / $10014 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
01/08/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 2 24/F FLAT B | 8.8M | 700sq. ft. / 835sq. ft. | $12564 / $10533 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
31/07/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 4 4/F FLAT F | 6.56M | 590sq. ft. / 719sq. ft. | $11119 / $9124 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/07/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 3 19/F FLAT A | 7.58M | 606sq. ft. / 742sq. ft. | $12508 / $10216 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
22/04/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 4 19/F FLAT G | 8.38M | 700sq. ft. / 844sq. ft. | $11971 / $9929 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/02/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 3 21/F FLAT A | 7.8M | 606sq. ft. / 742sq. ft. | $12871 / $10512 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/01/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 1 5/F FLAT B | 7.9M | 700sq. ft. / 835sq. ft. | $11286 / $9461 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/01/2024 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 2 11/F FLAT E | 6.48M | 478sq. ft. / 573sq. ft. | $13556 / $11309 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
22/12/2023 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 4 28/F FLAT F | 6.5M | 590sq. ft. / 719sq. ft. | $11017 / $9040 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
07/12/2023 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 1 14/F FLAT B | 8.38M | 700sq. ft. / 835sq. ft. | $11971 / $10036 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/07/2023 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 4 27/F FLAT E | 7.2M | 478sq. ft. / 586sq. ft. | $15063 / $12287 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
07/06/2023 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 1 25/F FLAT F | 8.3M | 591sq. ft. / 712sq. ft. | $14044 / $11657 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
13/04/2023 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 2 24/F FLAT E | 7.3M | 478sq. ft. / 573sq. ft. | $15272 / $12740 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/03/2023 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 3 24/F FLAT G | 10.3M | 700sq. ft. / 844sq. ft. | $14714 / $12204 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |