The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 5 31/F FLAT D
$53.08M +116%

Saleable: 1991(sq. ft) @$26660

Gross: 2555(sq. ft) @$20775

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 7 10/F FLAT C
$12.50M +55%

Saleable: 630(sq. ft) @$19841

Gross: 833(sq. ft) @$15006

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 7 30/F FLAT E
$22.00M +175%

Saleable: 1074(sq. ft) @$20484

Gross: 1388(sq. ft) @$15850

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 36/F FLAT D
$19.00M -26%

Saleable: 934(sq. ft) @$20343

Gross: 1168(sq. ft) @$16267

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 27/F FLAT D
$18.40M -20%

Saleable: 934(sq. ft) @$19700

Gross: 1168(sq. ft) @$15753

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 25/F FLAT B
$22.98M +171%

Saleable: 1076(sq. ft) @$21357

Gross: 1388(sq. ft) @$16556

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 5 33/F FLAT A
$19.71M +101%

Saleable: 933(sq. ft) @$21125

Gross: 1210(sq. ft) @$16289

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 5 17/F FLAT F
$22.20M +107%

Saleable: 1060(sq. ft) @$20943

Gross: 1366(sq. ft) @$16252

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 40/F FLAT F
$16.88M +214%

Saleable: 943(sq. ft) @$17900

Gross: 1188(sq. ft) @$14209

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 5 19/F FLAT D
$23.00M +126%

Saleable: 1060(sq. ft) @$21698

Gross: 1365(sq. ft) @$16850

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 5 42/F FLAT B
$58.70M +110%

Saleable: 1605(sq. ft) @$36573

Gross: 2060(sq. ft) @$28495

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 5 27/F FLAT B
$28.00M -13%

Saleable: 1212(sq. ft) @$23102

Gross: 1563(sq. ft) @$17914

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 45/F FLAT D

Saleable: 1644(sq. ft) @$29732

Gross: 2118(sq. ft) @$23078

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 7 27/F FLAT C
$15.00M +23%

Saleable: 630(sq. ft) @$23810

Gross: 833(sq. ft) @$18007

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 7 41/F FLAT C
$15.50M +273%

Saleable: 639(sq. ft) @$24257

Gross: 833(sq. ft) @$18607

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 5 37/F FLAT C
$18.98M +79%

Saleable: 933(sq. ft) @$20343

Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$15673

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 22/F FLAT E
$20.28M +112%

Saleable: 945(sq. ft) @$21460

Gross: 1168(sq. ft) @$17363

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 16/F FLAT B

Saleable: 1076(sq. ft) @$26766

Gross: 1388(sq. ft) @$20749

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 29/F FLAT A
$28.00M +71%

Saleable: 1135(sq. ft) @$24670

Gross: 1479(sq. ft) @$18932

  • Land Registry


The Waterfront Phase 2 Tower 6 39/F FLAT C
$31.50M +106%

Saleable: 1136(sq. ft) @$27729

Gross: 1480(sq. ft) @$21284

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

21 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
02/12/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 5 31/F FLAT D
53.08M 1991sq. ft. / 2555sq. ft. $26660 / $20775 15/08/2005 24.6M / +116%
Land Registry
25/11/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 7 10/F FLAT C
12.5M 630sq. ft. / 833sq. ft. $19841 / $15006 03/01/2008 8.08M / +55%
Land Registry
21/11/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 7 30/F FLAT E
22M 1074sq. ft. / 1388sq. ft. $20484 / $15850 09/03/2004 8M / +175%
Land Registry
18/07/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 36/F FLAT D
19M 934sq. ft. / 1168sq. ft. $20343 / $16267 21/05/2019 25.6M / -26%
Land Registry
16/07/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 27/F FLAT D
18.4M 934sq. ft. / 1168sq. ft. $19700 / $15753 08/04/2019 23M / -20%
Land Registry
26/06/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 25/F FLAT B
22.98M 1076sq. ft. / 1388sq. ft. $21357 / $16556 19/06/2001 8.47M / +171%
Land Registry
22/05/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 5 33/F FLAT A
19.71M 933sq. ft. / 1210sq. ft. $21125 / $16289 16/12/2005 9.8M / +101%
Land Registry
24/01/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 5 17/F FLAT F
22.2M 1060sq. ft. / 1366sq. ft. $20943 / $16252 18/02/2005 10.74M / +107%
Land Registry
11/01/2024 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 40/F FLAT F
16.88M 943sq. ft. / 1188sq. ft. $17900 / $14209 29/06/2001 5.38M / +214%
Land Registry
11/09/2023 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 5 19/F FLAT D
23M 1060sq. ft. / 1365sq. ft. $21698 / $16850 22/02/2005 10.17M / +126%
Land Registry
02/08/2023 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 5 42/F FLAT B
58.7M 1605sq. ft. / 2060sq. ft. $36573 / $28495 29/01/2005 28.02M / +110%
Land Registry
04/05/2023 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 5 27/F FLAT B
28M 1212sq. ft. / 1563sq. ft. $23102 / $17914 25/09/2020 32M / -13%
Land Registry
15/03/2023 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 45/F FLAT D
48.88M 1644sq. ft. / 2118sq. ft. $29732 / $23078 -- -- / --
Land Registry
02/03/2023 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 7 27/F FLAT C
15M 630sq. ft. / 833sq. ft. $23810 / $18007 26/08/2011 12.15M / +23%
Land Registry
28/02/2023 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 7 41/F FLAT C
15.5M 639sq. ft. / 833sq. ft. $24257 / $18607 22/12/2003 4.15M / +273%
Land Registry
22/12/2022 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 5 37/F FLAT C
18.98M 933sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. $20343 / $15673 28/11/2007 10.6M / +79%
Land Registry
03/10/2022 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 22/F FLAT E
20.28M 945sq. ft. / 1168sq. ft. $21460 / $17363 13/11/2007 9.58M / +112%
Land Registry
20/06/2022 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 16/F FLAT B
28.8M 1076sq. ft. / 1388sq. ft. $26766 / $20749 05/07/2021 28.8M / +0%
Land Registry
07/03/2022 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 29/F FLAT A
28M 1135sq. ft. / 1479sq. ft. $24670 / $18932 05/11/2010 16.36M / +71%
Land Registry
04/03/2022 Kowloon Station
The Waterfront Phase 2
Tower 6 39/F FLAT C
31.5M 1136sq. ft. / 1480sq. ft. $27729 / $21284 29/08/2008 15.3M / +106%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.