The Victoria Towers Tower 3 41/F FLAT B
$15.10M +195%

Saleable: 780(sq. ft) @$19359

Gross: 1081(sq. ft) @$13969

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 57/F FLAT B
$15.90M +6%

Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$20101

Gross: 1084(sq. ft) @$14668

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 1 61/F FLAT E
$18.86M +187%

Saleable: 821(sq. ft) @$22972

Gross: 1121(sq. ft) @$16824

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 40/F FLAT E
$17.20M -12%

Saleable: 858(sq. ft) @$20047

Gross: 1176(sq. ft) @$14626

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 1 55/F FLAT D
$18.80M +209%

Saleable: 843(sq. ft) @$22301

Gross: 1170(sq. ft) @$16068

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 1 52/F FLAT C
$18.75M +212%

Saleable: 831(sq. ft) @$22563

Gross: 1147(sq. ft) @$16347

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 39/F FLAT A
$9.50M +2%

Saleable: 487(sq. ft) @$19507

Gross: 718(sq. ft) @$13231

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 1 48/F FLAT E
$18.50M +163%

Saleable: 816(sq. ft) @$22672

Gross: 1119(sq. ft) @$16533

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 41/F FLAT C
$16.86M +32%

Saleable: 827(sq. ft) @$20387

Gross: 1145(sq. ft) @$14725

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 2 53/F FLAT E
$9.70M +174%

Saleable: 546(sq. ft) @$17766

Gross: 781(sq. ft) @$12420

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 27/F FLAT B
$13.80M +18%

Saleable: 750(sq. ft) @$18400

Gross: 1050(sq. ft) @$13143

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 28/F FLAT B
$13.50M +101%

Saleable: 750(sq. ft) @$18000

Gross: 1050(sq. ft) @$12857

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 2 46/F FLAT G
$18.50M +19%

Saleable: 936(sq. ft) @$19765

Gross: 1258(sq. ft) @$14706

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 1 12/F FLAT E
$13.80M +93%

Saleable: 778(sq. ft) @$17738

Gross: 1084(sq. ft) @$12731

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 1 69/F FLAT F
$11.10M +68%

Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$20518

Gross: 779(sq. ft) @$14249

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 42/F FLAT D
$19.50M +154%

Saleable: 924(sq. ft) @$21104

Gross: 1284(sq. ft) @$15187

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 2 52/F FLAT C
$11.60M +120%

Saleable: 543(sq. ft) @$21363

Gross: 790(sq. ft) @$14684

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 2 11/F FLAT D
$8.50M +21%

Saleable: 496(sq. ft) @$17137

Gross: 762(sq. ft) @$11155

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 1 12/F FLAT A
$9.88M -1%

Saleable: 457(sq. ft) @$21619

Gross: 714(sq. ft) @$13838

  • Land Registry


The Victoria Towers Tower 3 48/F FLAT E
$19.38M +14%

Saleable: 862(sq. ft) @$22483

Gross: 1178(sq. ft) @$16452

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

64 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
13/02/2025 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 41/F FLAT B
15.1M 780sq. ft. / 1081sq. ft. $19359 / $13969 10/08/2002 5.12M / +195%
Land Registry
07/02/2025 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 57/F FLAT B
15.9M 791sq. ft. / 1084sq. ft. $20101 / $14668 28/01/2011 14.95M / +6%
Land Registry
22/01/2025 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 1 61/F FLAT E
18.86M 821sq. ft. / 1121sq. ft. $22972 / $16824 15/05/2002 6.58M / +187%
Land Registry
15/01/2025 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 40/F FLAT E
17.2M 858sq. ft. / 1176sq. ft. $20047 / $14626 16/01/2013 19.6M / -12%
Land Registry
08/01/2025 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 1 55/F FLAT D
18.8M 843sq. ft. / 1170sq. ft. $22301 / $16068 24/10/2002 6.08M / +209%
Land Registry
19/12/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 1 52/F FLAT C
18.75M 831sq. ft. / 1147sq. ft. $22563 / $16347 02/12/2002 6.02M / +212%
Land Registry
29/11/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 39/F FLAT A
9.5M 487sq. ft. / 718sq. ft. $19507 / $13231 10/10/2012 9.3M / +2%
Land Registry
19/11/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 1 48/F FLAT E
18.5M 816sq. ft. / 1119sq. ft. $22672 / $16533 27/11/2001 7.04M / +163%
Land Registry
28/10/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 41/F FLAT C
16.86M 827sq. ft. / 1145sq. ft. $20387 / $14725 10/07/2010 12.8M / +32%
Land Registry
24/10/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 2 53/F FLAT E
9.7M 546sq. ft. / 781sq. ft. $17766 / $12420 10/12/2002 3.54M / +174%
Land Registry
18/10/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 27/F FLAT B
13.8M 750sq. ft. / 1050sq. ft. $18400 / $13143 11/06/2014 11.7M / +18%
Land Registry
30/09/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 28/F FLAT B
13.5M 750sq. ft. / 1050sq. ft. $18000 / $12857 04/03/2005 6.7M / +101%
Land Registry
16/09/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 2 46/F FLAT G
18.5M 936sq. ft. / 1258sq. ft. $19765 / $14706 24/09/2010 15.5M / +19%
Land Registry
05/09/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 1 12/F FLAT E
13.8M 778sq. ft. / 1084sq. ft. $17738 / $12731 02/06/2006 7.15M / +93%
Land Registry
05/08/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 1 69/F FLAT F
11.1M 541sq. ft. / 779sq. ft. $20518 / $14249 09/11/2007 6.6M / +68%
Land Registry
31/07/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 42/F FLAT D
19.5M 924sq. ft. / 1284sq. ft. $21104 / $15187 22/07/2002 7.68M / +154%
Land Registry
17/06/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 2 52/F FLAT C
11.6M 543sq. ft. / 790sq. ft. $21363 / $14684 19/04/2006 5.27M / +120%
Land Registry
29/05/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 2 11/F FLAT D
8.5M 496sq. ft. / 762sq. ft. $17137 / $11155 15/10/2010 7.03M / +21%
Land Registry
24/04/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 1 12/F FLAT A
9.88M 457sq. ft. / 714sq. ft. $21619 / $13838 25/05/2018 10.01M / -1%
Land Registry
12/04/2024 Tsim Sha Tsui
The Victoria Towers
Tower 3 48/F FLAT E
19.38M 862sq. ft. / 1178sq. ft. $22483 / $16452 01/03/2011 17M / +14%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.