Saleable: 651(sq. ft) @$17174
Gross: 836(sq. ft) @$13373
Saleable: 1157(sq. ft) @$19793
Gross: 1561(sq. ft) @$14670
Saleable: 1045(sq. ft) @$20096
Gross: 1379(sq. ft) @$15228
Saleable: 723(sq. ft) @$23347
Gross: 913(sq. ft) @$18488
Saleable: 1798(sq. ft) @$28365
Gross: 2346(sq. ft) @$21739
Saleable: 1798(sq. ft) @$28198
Gross: 2346(sq. ft) @$21611
Saleable: 1798(sq. ft) @$27697
Gross: 2346(sq. ft) @$21228
Saleable: 4549(sq. ft) @$41767
Gross: 5758(sq. ft) @$32998
Saleable: 1047(sq. ft) @$19102
Gross: 1415(sq. ft) @$14134
Saleable: 1157(sq. ft) @$21072
Gross: 1561(sq. ft) @$15618
Saleable: 649(sq. ft) @$18798
Gross: 825(sq. ft) @$14788
Saleable: 707(sq. ft) @$19349
Gross: 895(sq. ft) @$15285
Saleable: 707(sq. ft) @$20226
Gross: 895(sq. ft) @$15978
Saleable: 1410(sq. ft) @$24823
Gross: 1875(sq. ft) @$18667
Saleable: 1306(sq. ft) @$24655
Gross: 1708(sq. ft) @$18852
Saleable: 707(sq. ft) @$19519
Gross: 895(sq. ft) @$15419
Saleable: 1281(sq. ft) @$25995
Gross: 1695(sq. ft) @$19646
Saleable: 707(sq. ft) @$24752
Gross: 895(sq. ft) @$19553
Saleable: 1296(sq. ft) @$22762
Gross: 1724(sq. ft) @$17111
Saleable: 1798(sq. ft) @$31146
Gross: 2346(sq. ft) @$23870
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
05/02/2025 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 8 29/F FLAT B | 11.18M | 651sq. ft. / 836sq. ft. | $17174 / $13373 | 23/02/2007 | 6.78M / +65% | Land Registry |
16/01/2025 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 7 12/F FLAT A | 22.9M | 1157sq. ft. / 1561sq. ft. | $19793 / $14670 | 11/10/2004 | 12.77M / +79% | Land Registry |
09/01/2025 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 8 41/F FLAT C | 21M | 1045sq. ft. / 1379sq. ft. | $20096 / $15228 | 18/04/2007 | 12.58M / +67% | Land Registry |
05/11/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 6 35/F FLAT B | 16.88M | 723sq. ft. / 913sq. ft. | $23347 / $18488 | 16/07/2015 | 16.8M / +0% | Land Registry |
10/10/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 5 33/F FLAT A | 51M | 1798sq. ft. / 2346sq. ft. | $28365 / $21739 | 22/03/2007 | 23.8M / +114% | Land Registry |
24/09/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 5 27/F FLAT A | 50.7M | 1798sq. ft. / 2346sq. ft. | $28198 / $21611 | 17/09/2021 | 73M / -31% | Land Registry |
24/09/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 5 23/F FLAT A | 49.8M | 1798sq. ft. / 2346sq. ft. | $27697 / $21228 | 07/05/2012 | 41.8M / +19% | Land Registry |
20/09/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 1 50/F FLAT A | 190M | 4549sq. ft. / 5758sq. ft. | $41767 / $32998 | 04/12/2009 | 116.5M / +63% | Land Registry |
12/09/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 7 11/F FLAT C | 20M | 1047sq. ft. / 1415sq. ft. | $19102 / $14134 | 12/10/2004 | 11.39M / +76% | Land Registry |
16/08/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 7 18/F FLAT A | 24.38M | 1157sq. ft. / 1561sq. ft. | $21072 / $15618 | 12/10/2004 | 12.89M / +89% | Land Registry |
18/07/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 8 18/F FLAT B | 12.2M | 649sq. ft. / 825sq. ft. | $18798 / $14788 | 25/06/2007 | 6.8M / +79% | Land Registry |
15/07/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 7 18/F FLAT B | 13.68M | 707sq. ft. / 895sq. ft. | $19349 / $15285 | 30/06/2020 | 19.95M / -31% | Land Registry |
20/06/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 7 22/F FLAT B | 14.3M | 707sq. ft. / 895sq. ft. | $20226 / $15978 | 30/06/2006 | 7.34M / +95% | Land Registry |
29/05/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 6 9/F FLAT A | 35M | 1410sq. ft. / 1875sq. ft. | $24823 / $18667 | 26/04/2011 | 29.3M / +19% | Land Registry |
20/05/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 1 40/F FLAT A | 32.2M | 1306sq. ft. / 1708sq. ft. | $24655 / $18852 | 20/07/2016 | 29.8M / +8% | Land Registry |
29/04/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 7 21/F FLAT B | 13.8M | 707sq. ft. / 895sq. ft. | $19519 / $15419 | 23/01/2009 | 7.2M / +92% | Land Registry |
24/04/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 1 8/F FLAT C | 33.3M | 1281sq. ft. / 1695sq. ft. | $25995 / $19646 | 05/05/2004 | 14.53M / +129% | Land Registry |
22/04/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 7 37/F FLAT B | 17.5M | 707sq. ft. / 895sq. ft. | $24752 / $19553 | 13/10/2004 | 7.93M / +121% | Land Registry |
12/04/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 6 38/F FLAT C | 29.5M | 1296sq. ft. / 1724sq. ft. | $22762 / $17111 | 07/11/2007 | 19M / +55% | Land Registry |
10/04/2024 | Residence Bel-air | Residence Bel-Air Phase 4 Bel-Air On The Peak Tower 5 13/F FLAT A | 56M | 1798sq. ft. / 2346sq. ft. | $31146 / $23870 | 11/05/2005 | 23.17M / +142% | Land Registry |