Saleable: 687(sq. ft) @$10859
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$8988
Saleable: 772(sq. ft) @$12435
Gross: 907(sq. ft) @$10584
Saleable: 652(sq. ft) @$10813
Gross: 773(sq. ft) @$9120
Saleable: 652(sq. ft) @$13190
Gross: 773(sq. ft) @$11125
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$12568
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$10611
Saleable: 688(sq. ft) @$12355
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$10241
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$11694
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$9873
Saleable: 772(sq. ft) @$12953
Gross: 907(sq. ft) @$11025
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$12295
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$10381
Saleable: 767(sq. ft) @$12621
Gross: 907(sq. ft) @$10673
Saleable: 681(sq. ft) @$12391
Gross: 811(sq. ft) @$10404
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$11544
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$9746
Saleable: 681(sq. ft) @$13333
Gross: 811(sq. ft) @$11196
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$13361
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$11280
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$13115
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$11073
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$13046
Gross: 858(sq. ft) @$11131
Saleable: 688(sq. ft) @$13227
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$10964
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$12295
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$10381
Saleable: 688(sq. ft) @$14244
Gross: 830(sq. ft) @$11807
Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$15027
Gross: 867(sq. ft) @$12687
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
14/01/2025 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 4 16/F FLAT G | 7.46M | 687sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $10859 / $8988 | 16/03/2001 | 2.6M / +187% | Land Registry |
11/11/2024 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 4 19/F FLAT E | 9.6M | 772sq. ft. / 907sq. ft. | $12435 / $10584 | 05/06/1997 | 6.05M / +59% | Land Registry |
05/09/2024 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 2 13/F FLAT C | 7.05M | 652sq. ft. / 773sq. ft. | $10813 / $9120 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
18/01/2024 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 2 25/F FLAT C | 8.6M | 652sq. ft. / 773sq. ft. | $13190 / $11125 | 18/01/2017 | 8.15M / +6% | Land Registry |
02/11/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 3 21/F FLAT H | 9.2M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $12568 / $10611 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/08/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 3 9/F FLAT C | 8.5M | 688sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $12355 / $10241 | 13/07/2010 | 4.58M / +86% | Land Registry |
18/07/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 2 4/F FLAT E | 8.56M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $11694 / $9873 | 31/10/1996 | 3.42M / +150% | Land Registry |
30/06/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 3 11/F FLAT D | 10M | 772sq. ft. / 907sq. ft. | $12953 / $11025 | 07/06/1997 | 6.1M / +64% | Land Registry |
20/04/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 2 24/F FLAT H | 9M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $12295 / $10381 | 05/08/2013 | 7.93M / +13% | Land Registry |
16/02/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 4 15/F FLAT H | 9.68M | 767sq. ft. / 907sq. ft. | $12621 / $10673 | 23/04/2008 | 4.78M / +103% | Land Registry |
16/02/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 3 6/F FLAT F | 8.44M | 681sq. ft. / 811sq. ft. | $12391 / $10404 | 29/10/2007 | 2.98M / +183% | Land Registry |
13/02/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 3 26/F FLAT H | 8.45M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $11544 / $9746 | 21/03/2019 | 9.75M / -13% | Land Registry |
09/02/2023 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 2 19/F FLAT B | 9.08M | 681sq. ft. / 811sq. ft. | $13333 / $11196 | 24/12/2013 | 6.95M / +31% | Land Registry |
12/12/2022 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 1 21/F FLAT E | 9.78M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $13361 / $11280 | 02/04/1997 | 5.26M / +86% | Land Registry |
08/12/2022 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 4 24/F FLAT A | 9.6M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $13115 / $11073 | 22/03/2019 | 11M / -13% | Land Registry |
09/11/2022 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 3 8/F FLAT H | 9.55M | 732sq. ft. / 858sq. ft. | $13046 / $11131 | 20/08/2010 | 5.08M / +88% | Land Registry |
26/10/2022 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 4 17/F FLAT G | 9.1M | 688sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $13227 / $10964 | 05/10/2012 | 7M / +30% | Land Registry |
25/10/2022 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 2 18/F FLAT H | 9M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $12295 / $10381 | 03/02/2015 | 8.4M / +7% | Land Registry |
28/09/2022 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 3 14/F FLAT C | 9.8M | 688sq. ft. / 830sq. ft. | $14244 / $11807 | 22/11/2012 | 6.92M / +42% | Land Registry |
09/08/2022 | Sai Wan Ho | Felicity Garden Block 4 23/F FLAT D | 11M | 732sq. ft. / 867sq. ft. | $15027 / $12687 | 20/07/2012 | 7.19M / +53% | Land Registry |