Saleable: 1015(sq. ft) @$16907
Gross: 1137(sq. ft) @$15093
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 897(sq. ft) @$13712
Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$12513
Saleable: 1114(sq. ft) @$17774
Gross: 1237(sq. ft) @$16006
Saleable: 897(sq. ft) @$14103
Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$12869
Saleable: 1021(sq. ft) @$17826
Gross: 1137(sq. ft) @$16007
Saleable: 1114(sq. ft) @$17325
Gross: 1237(sq. ft) @$15602
Saleable: 922(sq. ft) @$15184
Gross: 1029(sq. ft) @$13605
Saleable: 1015(sq. ft) @$17833
Gross: 1137(sq. ft) @$15919
Saleable: 897(sq. ft) @$16867
Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$15392
Saleable: 897(sq. ft) @$16700
Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$15239
Saleable: 922(sq. ft) @$15727
Gross: 1029(sq. ft) @$14091
Saleable: 1015(sq. ft) @$14463
Gross: 1137(sq. ft) @$12911
Saleable: 1015(sq. ft) @$16059
Gross: 1137(sq. ft) @$14336
Saleable: 897(sq. ft) @$14381
Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$13123
Saleable: 922(sq. ft) @$15380
Gross: 1029(sq. ft) @$13780
Saleable: 1114(sq. ft) @$18627
Gross: 1237(sq. ft) @$16774
Saleable: 1114(sq. ft) @$19031
Gross: 1237(sq. ft) @$17138
Saleable: 922(sq. ft) @$16790
Gross: 1029(sq. ft) @$15044
Saleable: 1114(sq. ft) @$17504
Gross: 1237(sq. ft) @$15764
Saleable: 897(sq. ft) @$17168
Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$15666
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
12/12/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing 海景花園(東) 春櫻閣 Upper Floor FLAT B | 17.16M | 1015sq. ft. / 1137sq. ft. | $16907 / $15093 | -- | -- / -- |
Market Info |
21/10/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-39) Marigold Mansion 10/F FLAT C | 12.3M | 897sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. | $13712 / $12513 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
22/08/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-39) Marigold Mansion 8/F FLAT A | 19.8M | 1114sq. ft. / 1237sq. ft. | $17774 / $16006 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-43) PRIMROSE MANSION 7/F FLAT C | 12.65M | 897sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. | $14103 / $12869 | 15/02/2013 | 12M / +5% | Land Registry |
30/05/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-40) BEGONIA MANSION 12/F FLAT B | 18.2M | 1021sq. ft. / 1137sq. ft. | $17826 / $16007 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
20/05/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-40) BEGONIA MANSION 8/F FLAT H | 19.3M | 1114sq. ft. / 1237sq. ft. | $17325 / $15602 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
10/05/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-39) MARIGOLD MANSION 8/F FLAT E | 14M | 922sq. ft. / 1029sq. ft. | $15184 / $13605 | 12/08/2011 | 9.85M / +42% | Land Registry |
09/05/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-39) MARIGOLD MANSION 9/F FLAT B | 18.1M | 1015sq. ft. / 1137sq. ft. | $17833 / $15919 | 15/12/1999 | 6.35M / +185% | Land Registry |
06/05/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-42) WISTERIA MANSION 27/F FLAT C | 15.13M | 897sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. | $16867 / $15392 | 30/06/2010 | 9.48M / +60% | Land Registry |
12/04/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-41) LOTUS MANSION 10/F FLAT C | 14.98M | 897sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. | $16700 / $15239 | 20/12/2013 | 11.1M / +35% | Land Registry |
27/03/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-43) PRIMROSE MANSION 7/F FLAT E | 14.5M | 922sq. ft. / 1029sq. ft. | $15727 / $14091 | 09/05/2019 | 18.2M / -20% | Land Registry |
27/03/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-43) PRIMROSE MANSION 10/F FLAT B | 14.68M | 1015sq. ft. / 1137sq. ft. | $14463 / $12911 | 08/07/1998 | 6.38M / +130% | Land Registry |
12/03/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-41) LOTUS MANSION 5/F FLAT B | 16.3M | 1015sq. ft. / 1137sq. ft. | $16059 / $14336 | 09/03/2012 | 12.6M / +29% | Land Registry |
11/03/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-42) WISTERIA MANSION 7/F FLAT C | 12.9M | 897sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. | $14381 / $13123 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
29/02/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-42) WISTERIA MANSION 20/F FLAT E | 14.18M | 922sq. ft. / 1029sq. ft. | $15380 / $13780 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
20/02/2024 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-41) LOTUS MANSION 10/F FLAT H | 20.75M | 1114sq. ft. / 1237sq. ft. | $18627 / $16774 | 25/07/2014 | 18.7M / +11% | Land Registry |
30/11/2023 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-41) LOTUS MANSION 24/F FLAT H | 21.2M | 1114sq. ft. / 1237sq. ft. | $19031 / $17138 | 28/09/2004 | 7.65M / +177% | Land Registry |
09/11/2023 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-43) PRIMROSE MANSION 6/F FLAT D | 15.48M | 922sq. ft. / 1029sq. ft. | $16790 / $15044 | 11/05/2012 | 10.73M / +44% | Land Registry |
05/10/2023 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-41) LOTUS MANSION 17/F FLAT A | 19.5M | 1114sq. ft. / 1237sq. ft. | $17504 / $15764 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
25/07/2023 | Taikoo Shing | Taikoo Shing Harbour View Gardens (East) (T-41) LOTUS MANSION 21/F FLAT F | 15.4M | 897sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. | $17168 / $15666 | 10/01/2005 | 5.55M / +177% | Land Registry |