Saleable: 384(sq. ft) @$15807
Saleable: 290(sq. ft) @$16828
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 238(sq. ft) @$18487
Saleable: 384(sq. ft) @$17708
Saleable: 451(sq. ft) @$17783
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$18997
Saleable: 290(sq. ft) @$18138
Saleable: 234(sq. ft) @$20513
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$19064
Saleable: 384(sq. ft) @$17188
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$17057
Saleable: 216(sq. ft) @$26157
Saleable: 234(sq. ft) @$19444
Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$21739
Saleable: 197(sq. ft) @$27157
Saleable: 214(sq. ft) @$24299
Saleable: 451(sq. ft) @$20399
Saleable: 293(sq. ft) @$20137
Saleable: 214(sq. ft) @$22897
Saleable: 234(sq. ft) @$27778
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
13/01/2025 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 11/F FLAT P | 6.07M | 384sq. ft. / -- | $15807 / -- | 20/04/2018 | 9.5M / -36% | Land Registry |
03/01/2025 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East Middle Floor FLAT B | 4.88M | 290sq. ft. / -- | $16828 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
04/12/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 21/F FLAT R | 4.4M | 238sq. ft. / -- | $18487 / -- | 08/07/2019 | 6.51M / -32% | Land Registry |
25/11/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 35/F FLAT P | 6.8M | 384sq. ft. / -- | $17708 / -- | 05/07/2018 | 10.82M / -37% | Land Registry |
11/07/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 33/F FLAT F | 8.02M | 451sq. ft. / -- | $17783 / -- | 11/06/2018 | 11.99M / -33% | Land Registry |
21/06/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 26/F FLAT Q | 5.68M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $18997 / -- | 12/08/2019 | 8.22M / -31% | Land Registry |
14/05/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 21/F FLAT D | 5.26M | 290sq. ft. / -- | $18138 / -- | 10/11/2017 | 7.13M / -26% | Land Registry |
10/05/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 30/F FLAT A | 4.8M | 234sq. ft. / -- | $20513 / -- | 31/07/2018 | 6.68M / -28% | Land Registry |
08/05/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 21/F FLAT Q | 5.7M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $19064 / -- | 05/07/2019 | 7.89M / -28% | Land Registry |
09/04/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 28/F FLAT P | 6.6M | 384sq. ft. / -- | $17188 / -- | 22/06/2018 | 10.34M / -36% | Land Registry |
05/04/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 22/F FLAT Q | 5.1M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $17057 / -- | 26/06/2019 | 8.08M / -37% | Land Registry |
21/02/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 36/F FLAT N | 5.65M | 216sq. ft. / -- | $26157 / -- | 31/05/2018 | 6.41M / -12% | Land Registry |
02/02/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 23/F FLAT A | 4.55M | 234sq. ft. / -- | $19444 / -- | 13/07/2018 | 6.42M / -29% | Land Registry |
19/01/2024 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 28/F FLAT Q | 6.5M | 299sq. ft. / -- | $21739 / -- | 25/07/2019 | 8.44M / -23% | Land Registry |
09/05/2023 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 3/F FLAT J | 5.35M | 197sq. ft. / -- | $27157 / -- | 30/09/2019 | 6.15M / -13% | Land Registry |
25/04/2023 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 26/F FLAT M | 5.2M | 214sq. ft. / -- | $24299 / -- | 07/05/2018 | 5.62M / -7% | Land Registry |
27/03/2023 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 18/F FLAT F | 9.2M | 451sq. ft. / -- | $20399 / -- | 09/11/2017 | 10.38M / -11% | Land Registry |
01/03/2023 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 8/F FLAT C | 5.9M | 293sq. ft. / -- | $20137 / -- | 21/09/2018 | 7.23M / -18% | Land Registry |
09/09/2022 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 8/F FLAT M | 4.9M | 214sq. ft. / -- | $22897 / -- | 11/09/2018 | 5.44M / -10% | Land Registry |
29/07/2022 | Quarry Bay | Novum East Novum East 12/F FLAT A | 6.5M | 234sq. ft. / -- | $27778 / -- | 31/07/2018 | 5.9M / +10% | Land Registry |