Saleable: 746(sq. ft) @$15416
Gross: 933(sq. ft) @$12326
Saleable: 756(sq. ft) @$15278
Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$12248
Saleable: 788(sq. ft) @$13959
Gross: 1003(sq. ft) @$10967
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$16435
Gross: 1003(sq. ft) @$12961
Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$16435
Gross: 1003(sq. ft) @$12961
Saleable: 788(sq. ft) @$14213
Gross: 996(sq. ft) @$11245
Saleable: 620(sq. ft) @$13274
Gross: 781(sq. ft) @$10538
Saleable: 790(sq. ft) @$15696
Gross: 984(sq. ft) @$12602
Saleable: 788(sq. ft) @$14365
Gross: 996(sq. ft) @$11365
Saleable: 781(sq. ft) @$15595
Gross: 975(sq. ft) @$12492
Saleable: 753(sq. ft) @$15538
Gross: 945(sq. ft) @$12381
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$15352
Gross: 597(sq. ft) @$12060
Saleable: 761(sq. ft) @$13141
Gross: 947(sq. ft) @$10560
Saleable: 781(sq. ft) @$15595
Gross: 975(sq. ft) @$12492
Saleable: 752(sq. ft) @$14960
Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$11930
Saleable: 794(sq. ft) @$15365
Gross: 996(sq. ft) @$12249
Saleable: 543(sq. ft) @$13039
Gross: 672(sq. ft) @$10536
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$13753
Gross: 597(sq. ft) @$10804
Saleable: 745(sq. ft) @$16107
Gross: 932(sq. ft) @$12876
Saleable: 752(sq. ft) @$15027
Gross: 943(sq. ft) @$11983
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
17/01/2025 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 28/F FLAT C | 11.5M | 746sq. ft. / 933sq. ft. | $15416 / $12326 | 21/09/2012 | 8.68M / +32% | Land Registry |
27/11/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 35/F FLAT B | 11.55M | 756sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. | $15278 / $12248 | 05/01/2002 | 4.15M / +178% | Land Registry |
18/11/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) Lower Floor FLAT F | 11M | 788sq. ft. / 1003sq. ft. | $13959 / $10967 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
07/11/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 35/F FLAT F | 13M | 791sq. ft. / 1003sq. ft. | $16435 / $12961 | 16/10/2024 | 13M / +0% | Land Registry |
30/10/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 35/F FLAT F | 13M | 791sq. ft. / 1003sq. ft. | $16435 / $12961 | 15/10/2009 | 7.43M / +75% | Land Registry |
23/10/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 3 (Three Island Place) 28/F FLAT G | 11.2M | 788sq. ft. / 996sq. ft. | $14213 / $11245 | 10/10/1996 | 6.66M / +68% | Land Registry |
22/07/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 2 (Two Island Place) 10/F FLAT C | 8.23M | 620sq. ft. / 781sq. ft. | $13274 / $10538 | 28/05/1997 | 6.34M / +30% | Land Registry |
04/07/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 35/F FLAT H | 12.4M | 790sq. ft. / 984sq. ft. | $15696 / $12602 | 29/05/2001 | 4.45M / +179% | Land Registry |
02/07/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 2 (Two Island Place) 10/F FLAT G | 11.32M | 788sq. ft. / 996sq. ft. | $14365 / $11365 | 18/10/1997 | 9.48M / +19% | Land Registry |
14/06/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 3 (Three Island Place) 19/F FLAT H | 12.18M | 781sq. ft. / 975sq. ft. | $15595 / $12492 | 10/06/2011 | 8.38M / +45% | Land Registry |
07/06/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 25/F FLAT D | 11.7M | 753sq. ft. / 945sq. ft. | $15538 / $12381 | 20/01/2009 | 4.8M / +144% | Land Registry |
17/05/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 3 (Three Island Place) 18/F FLAT E | 7.2M | 469sq. ft. / 597sq. ft. | $15352 / $12060 | 29/01/2010 | 4.05M / +78% | Land Registry |
02/05/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 2 (Two Island Place) 15/F FLAT H | 10M | 761sq. ft. / 947sq. ft. | $13141 / $10560 | 25/07/2008 | 6.06M / +65% | Land Registry |
02/05/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 3 (Three Island Place) 19/F FLAT H | 12.18M | 781sq. ft. / 975sq. ft. | $15595 / $12492 | 10/06/2011 | 8.38M / +45% | Land Registry |
30/04/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 20/F FLAT B | 11.25M | 752sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. | $14960 / $11930 | 15/01/2010 | 6.18M / +82% | Land Registry |
11/04/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 2 (Two Island Place) 21/F FLAT F | 12.2M | 794sq. ft. / 996sq. ft. | $15365 / $12249 | 21/06/2004 | 4.68M / +161% | Land Registry |
25/03/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 3 (Three Island Place) 13/F FLAT C | 7.08M | 543sq. ft. / 672sq. ft. | $13039 / $10536 | 15/12/2016 | 6.5M / +9% | Land Registry |
15/02/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 3 (Three Island Place) 14/F FLAT D | 6.45M | 469sq. ft. / 597sq. ft. | $13753 / $10804 | 18/09/1996 | 3.62M / +78% | Land Registry |
09/02/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 2 (Two Island Place) 33/F FLAT B | 12M | 745sq. ft. / 932sq. ft. | $16107 / $12876 | 20/01/2021 | 14.5M / -17% | Land Registry |
12/01/2024 | North Point | Island Place Block 1 (One Island Place) 8/F FLAT B | 11.3M | 752sq. ft. / 943sq. ft. | $15027 / $11983 | 11/02/1997 | 7.29M / +55% | Land Registry |