Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 13/F FLAT 5
$5.95M +3%

Saleable: 410(sq. ft) @$14512

Gross: 570(sq. ft) @$10439

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower C 33/F FLAT 1
$8.77M +268%

Saleable: 610(sq. ft) @$14377

Gross: 784(sq. ft) @$11186

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 26/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$11184

Gross: 749(sq. ft) @$7944

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 22/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$14192

Gross: 749(sq. ft) @$10080

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower C 9/F FLAT 4
$5.15M +43%

Saleable: 396(sq. ft) @$13005

Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$10158

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower B 29/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 610(sq. ft) @$13410

Gross: 784(sq. ft) @$10434

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 31/F FLAT 1
$8.10M -19%

Saleable: 593(sq. ft) @$13659

Gross: 778(sq. ft) @$10411

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower D 33/F FLAT 2
$8.40M +40%

Saleable: 574(sq. ft) @$14634

Gross: 765(sq. ft) @$10980

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 25/F FLAT 6
$9.00M -10%

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$16917

Gross: 749(sq. ft) @$12016

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower C 9/F FLAT 5
$5.80M -13%

Saleable: 421(sq. ft) @$13777

Gross: 557(sq. ft) @$10413

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 21/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 601(sq. ft) @$13977

Gross: 780(sq. ft) @$10769

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower C 17/F FLAT 5
$6.50M +263%

Saleable: 421(sq. ft) @$15439

Gross: 557(sq. ft) @$11670

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 19/F FLAT 6
$7.28M +29%

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$13684

Gross: 749(sq. ft) @$9720

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower C 32/F FLAT 4
$6.60M +10%

Saleable: 396(sq. ft) @$16667

Gross: 507(sq. ft) @$13018

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower B 16/F FLAT 3
$6.60M +58%

Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$16459

Gross: 572(sq. ft) @$11538

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower A 10/F FLAT 2

Saleable: 618(sq. ft) @$13107

Gross: 822(sq. ft) @$9854

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower C 8/F FLAT 2
$7.38M +59%

Saleable: 509(sq. ft) @$14499

Gross: 734(sq. ft) @$10054

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower D 29/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$16917

Gross: 760(sq. ft) @$11842

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower D 35/F FLAT 5
$7.78M +16%

Saleable: 407(sq. ft) @$19115

Gross: 559(sq. ft) @$13918

  • Land Registry


Fortress Metro Tower Tower C 14/F FLAT 2
$8.07M +80%

Saleable: 509(sq. ft) @$15851

Gross: 734(sq. ft) @$10992

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

47 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
27/01/2025 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 13/F FLAT 5
5.95M 410sq. ft. / 570sq. ft. $14512 / $10439 20/09/2016 5.77M / +3%
Land Registry
23/01/2025 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower C 33/F FLAT 1
8.77M 610sq. ft. / 784sq. ft. $14377 / $11186 30/07/2002 2.38M / +268%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 26/F FLAT 6
5.95M 532sq. ft. / 749sq. ft. $11184 / $7944 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/11/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 22/F FLAT 6
7.55M 532sq. ft. / 749sq. ft. $14192 / $10080 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/09/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower C 9/F FLAT 4
5.15M 396sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. $13005 / $10158 18/07/1997 3.6M / +43%
Land Registry
14/08/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower B 29/F FLAT 1
8.18M 610sq. ft. / 784sq. ft. $13410 / $10434 -- -- / --
Land Registry
31/07/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 31/F FLAT 1
8.1M 593sq. ft. / 778sq. ft. $13659 / $10411 05/02/2021 10M / -19%
Land Registry
14/06/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower D 33/F FLAT 2
8.4M 574sq. ft. / 765sq. ft. $14634 / $10980 21/12/2012 6M / +40%
Land Registry
14/06/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 25/F FLAT 6
9M 532sq. ft. / 749sq. ft. $16917 / $12016 21/06/2021 10M / -10%
Land Registry
03/04/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower C 9/F FLAT 5
5.8M 421sq. ft. / 557sq. ft. $13777 / $10413 24/11/2022 6.7M / -13%
Land Registry
26/03/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 21/F FLAT 4
8.4M 601sq. ft. / 780sq. ft. $13977 / $10769 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/03/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower C 17/F FLAT 5
6.5M 421sq. ft. / 557sq. ft. $15439 / $11670 12/02/2001 1.79M / +263%
Land Registry
12/01/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 19/F FLAT 6
7.28M 532sq. ft. / 749sq. ft. $13684 / $9720 05/03/2012 5.63M / +29%
Land Registry
10/01/2024 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower C 32/F FLAT 4
6.6M 396sq. ft. / 507sq. ft. $16667 / $13018 22/01/2016 6M / +10%
Land Registry
28/12/2023 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower B 16/F FLAT 3
6.6M 401sq. ft. / 572sq. ft. $16459 / $11538 19/01/2011 4.18M / +58%
Land Registry
18/12/2023 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower A 10/F FLAT 2
8.1M 618sq. ft. / 822sq. ft. $13107 / $9854 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/10/2023 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower C 8/F FLAT 2
7.38M 509sq. ft. / 734sq. ft. $14499 / $10054 08/11/2010 4.65M / +59%
Land Registry
07/08/2023 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower D 29/F FLAT 6
9M 532sq. ft. / 760sq. ft. $16917 / $11842 -- -- / --
Land Registry
07/07/2023 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower D 35/F FLAT 5
7.78M 407sq. ft. / 559sq. ft. $19115 / $13918 20/02/2017 6.72M / +16%
Land Registry
20/06/2023 North Point
Fortress Metro Tower
Tower C 14/F FLAT 2
8.07M 509sq. ft. / 734sq. ft. $15851 / $10992 19/02/2010 4.48M / +80%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.