Handsome Court Block 3 Upper Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 639(sq. ft) @$7793

Gross: 780(sq. ft) @$6385

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Whampoa Garden Phase 12 Bamboo Mansions Block 4 Middle Floor FLAT H

Saleable: 729(sq. ft) @$10837

Gross: 825(sq. ft) @$9576

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


The Regent Tower 19 Upper Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 586(sq. ft) @$12253

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Fortress Heights Fortress Heights Middle Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 332(sq. ft) @$12952

Gross: 539(sq. ft) @$7978

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Wealthy Garden Wealthy Garden Lower Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$14809

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


South Horizons Phase 1 Hoi Fai Court (Block 2) Middle Floor FLAT E

Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$12262

Gross: 643(sq. ft) @$10031

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Sheung Chui Court Block B (Chui Ho House) Upper Floor FLAT 7

Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$11519

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Yee Fung Garden Block B Upper Floor FLAT B3

Saleable: 460(sq. ft) @$9565

Gross: 608(sq. ft) @$7237

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


South Horizons Phase 4 The Oasis Albany Court (Block 32) Upper Floor FLAT H

Saleable: 634(sq. ft) @$12855

Gross: 816(sq. ft) @$9988

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


The Wings The Wings Tower 7 Lower Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 706(sq. ft) @$17139

Gross: 918(sq. ft) @$13181

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 2 Middle Floor FLAT E

Saleable: 516(sq. ft) @$13857

Gross: 696(sq. ft) @$10273

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


New Jade Garden Block 4 Upper Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 508(sq. ft) @$11378

Gross: 615(sq. ft) @$9398

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Prima Villa Block 2 Middle Floor FLAT F

Saleable: 417(sq. ft) @$15108

Gross: 549(sq. ft) @$11475

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Parc Oasis Tower 19 (47 Tat Chee Ave) Upper Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 603(sq. ft) @$15091

Gross: 750(sq. ft) @$12133

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Lohas Park Phase 5A Malibu Tower 2A Upper Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 454(sq. ft) @$13546

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Kornhill Block F (Flat 9 - 16) Lower Floor FLAT 13

Saleable: 596(sq. ft) @$11326

Gross: 748(sq. ft) @$9024

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Wealth Building Wealth Building Lower Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 355(sq. ft) @$12113

Gross: 450(sq. ft) @$9556

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Mount Regency Phase 1 Tower 1A Lower Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$11475

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Park Avenue Phase 1 Tower 10 Middle Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$18986

Gross: 1127(sq. ft) @$14286

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 2 Upper Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 690(sq. ft) @$13913

Gross: 908(sq. ft) @$10573

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

138372 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
07/10/2024 Chi Lok
Handsome Court
Block 3 Upper Floor FLAT C
4.98M 639sq. ft. / 780sq. ft. $7793 / $6385 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Whampoa
Whampoa Garden Phase 12 Bamboo Mansions
Block 4 Middle Floor FLAT H
7.9M 729sq. ft. / 825sq. ft. $10837 / $9576 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels
The Regent
Tower 19 Upper Floor FLAT D
7.18M 586sq. ft. / -- $12253 / -- -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 North Point
Fortress Heights
Fortress Heights Middle Floor FLAT A
4.3M 332sq. ft. / 539sq. ft. $12952 / $7978 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Ha Kwai Chung
Wealthy Garden
Wealthy Garden Lower Floor FLAT B
4.43M 299sq. ft. / -- $14809 / -- -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 South Horizons
South Horizons Phase 1
Hoi Fai Court (Block 2) Middle Floor FLAT E
6.45M 526sq. ft. / 643sq. ft. $12262 / $10031 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Tsuen Wan Town Centre
Sheung Chui Court
Block B (Chui Ho House) Upper Floor FLAT 7
5.08M 441sq. ft. / -- $11519 / -- -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
07/10/2024 Yuen Long Town Centre
Yee Fung Garden
Block B Upper Floor FLAT B3
4.4M 460sq. ft. / 608sq. ft. $9565 / $7237 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 South Horizons
South Horizons Phase 4 The Oasis
Albany Court (Block 32) Upper Floor FLAT H
8.15M 634sq. ft. / 816sq. ft. $12855 / $9988 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Tseung Kwan O
The Wings The Wings
Tower 7 Lower Floor FLAT C
12.1M 706sq. ft. / 918sq. ft. $17139 / $13181 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 2 Middle Floor FLAT E
7.15M 516sq. ft. / 696sq. ft. $13857 / $10273 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Chai Wan
New Jade Garden
Block 4 Upper Floor FLAT D
5.78M 508sq. ft. / 615sq. ft. $11378 / $9398 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Siu Lek Yuen
Prima Villa
Block 2 Middle Floor FLAT F
6.3M 417sq. ft. / 549sq. ft. $15108 / $11475 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
07/10/2024 Yau Yat Tsuen
Parc Oasis
Tower 19 (47 Tat Chee Ave) Upper Floor FLAT C
9.1M 603sq. ft. / 750sq. ft. $15091 / $12133 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Lohas Park
Lohas Park Phase 5A Malibu
Tower 2A Upper Floor FLAT C
6.15M 454sq. ft. / -- $13546 / -- -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
07/10/2024 Kornhill
Block F (Flat 9 - 16) Lower Floor FLAT 13
6.75M 596sq. ft. / 748sq. ft. $11326 / $9024 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Sai Ying Pun
Wealth Building
Wealth Building Lower Floor FLAT A
4.3M 355sq. ft. / 450sq. ft. $12113 / $9556 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Tuen Mun San Hui
Mount Regency Phase 1
Tower 1A Lower Floor FLAT B
3.5M 305sq. ft. / -- $11475 / -- -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
07/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Phase 1
Tower 10 Middle Floor FLAT C
16.1M 848sq. ft. / 1127sq. ft. $18986 / $14286 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 2 Upper Floor FLAT B
9.6M 690sq. ft. / 908sq. ft. $13913 / $10573 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.