Saleable: 805(sq. ft) @$8547
Gross: 1013(sq. ft) @$6792
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 533(sq. ft) @$8405
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 681(sq. ft) @$7680
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$6153
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 376(sq. ft) @$9011
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 990(sq. ft) @$13364
Gross: 1129(sq. ft) @$11718
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$9198
Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$9176
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 716(sq. ft) @$9078
Gross: 941(sq. ft) @$6908
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 502(sq. ft) @$12311
Gross: 679(sq. ft) @$9102
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 1014(sq. ft) @$34024
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 863(sq. ft) @$16779
Gross: 1065(sq. ft) @$13596
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 485(sq. ft) @$13402
Gross: 571(sq. ft) @$11384
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 846(sq. ft) @$9574
Gross: 989(sq. ft) @$8190
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 324(sq. ft) @$14815
Gross: 500(sq. ft) @$9600
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$5331
Gross: 579(sq. ft) @$4456
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 495(sq. ft) @$8384
Gross: 551(sq. ft) @$7532
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$10557
Gross: 698(sq. ft) @$7880
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 527(sq. ft) @$12524
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 371(sq. ft) @$10243
Gross: 517(sq. ft) @$7350
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$17734
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
02/03/2025 | Tung Chung Town Centre | Caribbean Coast Phase 3 Carmel Cove Tower 11 Lower Floor FLAT B | 6.88M | 805sq. ft. / 1013sq. ft. | $8547 / $6792 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
01/03/2025 | Yuen Long | Park Signature Tower 3 Middle Floor FLAT D | 4.48M | 533sq. ft. / -- | $8405 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
01/03/2025 | Castle Peak Road | Palatial Coast Grand Pacific Heights Block 8 Upper Floor FLAT B | 5.23M | 681sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $7680 / $6153 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Tin Shui Wai | Ping Yan Court Block B (Ping Yin House) Middle Floor FLAT 9 | 3.39M | 376sq. ft. / -- | $9011 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Fo Tan | Royal Ascot Phase 2 Block 8 Upper Floor FLAT F | 13.23M | 990sq. ft. / 1129sq. ft. | $13364 / $11718 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Palm Springs / Fairview | Fairview Park Section M, 4th Street No. 61 (s.m ss.317) HOUSE 61 | 7.8M | 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. | $9198 / $9176 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Mei Foo | Mei Foo Sun Chuen Phase 6 25-27 Nassau Street Middle Floor FLAT B NO. 27 | 6.5M | 716sq. ft. / 941sq. ft. | $9078 / $6908 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
28/02/2025 | Lai Chi Kok / Four Little Dragons | Aqua Marine Tower 5 Lower Floor FLAT D | 6.18M | 502sq. ft. / 679sq. ft. | $12311 / $9102 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Mid-Levels West | Alassio Alassio Upper Floor FLAT A | 34.5M | 1014sq. ft. / -- | $34024 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | South Horizons | South Horizons Phase 2 Yee Tsui Court (Block 16) Upper Floor FLAT H | 14.48M | 863sq. ft. / 1065sq. ft. | $16779 / $13596 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Sai Wan Ho | Lei King Wan Sites B Block 5 Yat Sing Mansion Upper Floor FLAT C | 6.5M | 485sq. ft. / 571sq. ft. | $13402 / $11384 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Quarry Bay | Mount Parker Lodge Block A Middle Floor FLAT 2 | 8.1M | 846sq. ft. / 989sq. ft. | $9574 / $8190 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
28/02/2025 | Kennedy Town | Shun Cheong Building Shun Cheong Building Upper Floor FLAT C | 4.8M | 324sq. ft. / 500sq. ft. | $14815 / $9600 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Siu Sai Wan | Fullview Garden Block 10 Lower Floor FLAT F | 2.58M | 484sq. ft. / 579sq. ft. | $5331 / $4456 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Hang Hau | Fu Ning Garden Block 6 Middle Floor FLAT M | 4.15M | 495sq. ft. / 551sq. ft. | $8384 / $7532 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 Lower Floor FLAT D | 5.5M | 521sq. ft. / 698sq. ft. | $10557 / $7880 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Po Lam | Po Lam Estate Po Kan House (Block 6) Lower Floor FLAT 22 | 1.28M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
28/02/2025 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Solaria Tower 6 Lower Floor FLAT G | 6.6M | 527sq. ft. / -- | $12524 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Tai Po Town Centre | Tai Po Centre Phase 4 Block 6 Middle Floor FLAT B | 3.8M | 371sq. ft. / 517sq. ft. | $10243 / $7350 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
28/02/2025 | Kai Tak New Area | Victoria Skye Ocean Waves Tower 3 Lower Floor FLAT A | 11.35M | 640sq. ft. / -- | $17734 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |