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AVA 228



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Ava 228
Ava 228

Sham Shui Po

228 Tai Nan Street

深水埗AVA 228 | 文青聚居地 上車之選

AVA 228簡介

AVA 228位於九龍長沙灣大南街228號,發展商為裕滿工程及正利控股,關鍵日期為2021年12月31日。AVA 228採用單幢式設計,樓高22層,每層各設8伙單位,合共提供160伙住宅單位。

AVA 228單位的實用面積介乎129至249平方呎,據平面圖及示範單位可見,單位間隔涵蓋開放式及一房,分為開放式、1房2廳、1房2廳連套房,全部採用開放式廚房設計,大多單位配置露台及工作平台。AVA 228單位樓底高度由3.25米至3.7米,裝修時可加建閣樓一層變兩層,善用單位高樓底優勢,擴展空間。

AVA 228呎價

AVA 228發展商2019年2月14日公布首張價單,共涉及50伙單位,全屬開放式及1房戶,定價介乎318萬元至588萬元,呎價由20,064至24,529元,買家最高可享12%折扣優惠,折實價介乎約280.3萬元至517.8萬元,折實呎價由17,655元至21,587元。

據成交紀錄冊顯示,AVA 228的一伙開放式連露台單位於2022年7月以302萬元成交,單位面積155平方呎,呎價19,484元。

AVA 228生活配套

AVA 228不設住客會所及園景區,但鄰近北河街體育館、楓樹街遊樂場、大坑東遊樂場及通州街公園可供公眾休憩,可同時滿足住戶運動及散步所需。

交通方面,AVA 228鄰近港鐵深水埗站及港鐵太子站,步程約6至10分鐘;至於巴士及小巴,荔枝角道、醫局街及長沙灣道沿線有多條巴士及小巴路線,方便穿梭港九新界等地。

生活配套方面,AVA 228將自設4,862平方呎商業樓面,屆時將成區內新購物點;同時區內食肆林立,包括特色咖啡店等,而民生商店、商場、超級市場及街市均一應俱全。

Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 248sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Mountain View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Club Facilities

$3.96M -7.07%

Sale $3.68 M

Near MTR Station,Best for Investment
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 248sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Near MTR

With Lease Agreement

Sale $3.98 M

5 Sham Shui Po Ava 228 House730-[8022426]
Floor Plan
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 238sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  

Residential  Stand-alone Building


City View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Pet Allowed

Sale $3.80 M

13 Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Lower Floor House730-[8239816]
Floor Plan
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 155sq.ft.


Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Open Kitchen

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR


Sale $2.48 M

AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 239sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Upper Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Sale $4.98 M

13 Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Middle Floor House730-[8237099]
Floor Plan
With Furniture, Electric appliances and Decoration
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 250sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Sale $3.80 M

5 Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Lower Floor House730-[8216366]
Floor Plan
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 155sq.ft.


Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Open Kitchen


Luxury Decoration

Sale $2.58 M

Convenient Transportation,Near MTR Station,Useful
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 236sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Near MTR

Sale $3.60 M

AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 155sq.ft.


 Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Sale $2.50 M

With Furniture, Electric appliances and Decoration
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 239sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate


City View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Sale $3.72 M

6 Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Middle Floor House730-[8061125]
Floor Plan
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 151sq.ft.


Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building


City View

Simple Decoration

Near MTR

Club Facilities

Sale $2.60 M

Deluxe Decoration Large Shopping Mall Quiet and Co
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 155sq.ft.


Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Luxury Decoration


Near Shopping Mall

Near MTR

City View

Sale $2.50 M

9 Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Upper Floor House730-[8044750]
Floor Plan
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 248sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Upper Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

City View


Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Club Facilities

Sale $3.95 M

South,High Usable Area,Good Property Management,Us
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 248sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Sale $3.98 M

Useful Partition,Spacious Living Room and Bedroom,
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 248sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Lower Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

With Lease Agreement

Sale $4.40 M

Great Location
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 155sq.ft.


Open Style 

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Sale $2.65 M

6 Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Upper Floor House730-[8082080]
Floor Plan
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 251sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building


Open Kitchen

City View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Sale $3.95 M

AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228

SA 201sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Lower Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building


City View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Club Facilities

Sale $4.28 M

Estate-Ava 228

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Sham Shui Po Ava 228 House730-[7988103]
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  
$3.96M -7.07%
$3.68 M
SA 248sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Mountain View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Club Facilities
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 House730-[7985112] 7
Near MTR Station,Best for Investment
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 
$3.98 M
SA 248sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Near MTR
With Lease Agreement
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 House730-[8022426] 5
Floor Plan
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  
$3.80 M
SA 238sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Pet Allowed
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Lower Floor House730-[8239816] 13
Floor Plan
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
$2.48 M
SA 155sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Open Kitchen
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Upper Floor House730-[8240130] 4
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
$4.98 M
SA 239sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Middle Floor House730-[8237099] 13
Floor Plan
With Furniture, Electric appliances and Decoration
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
$3.80 M
SA 250sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Lower Floor House730-[8216366] 5
Floor Plan
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
$2.58 M
SA 155sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Open Kitchen
Luxury Decoration
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 House730-[8239612] 8
Convenient Transportation,Near MTR Station,Useful
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 
$3.60 M
SA 236sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Near MTR
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Middle Floor House730-[8239592] 9
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
 Middle Floor
$2.50 M
SA 155sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Middle Floor House730-[8071771] 7
With Furniture, Electric appliances and Decoration
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
$3.72 M
SA 239sq.ft.
Residential Estate
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Middle Floor House730-[8061125] 6
Floor Plan
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
$2.60 M
SA 151sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Simple Decoration
Near MTR
Club Facilities
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Middle Floor House730-[8050892] 7
Deluxe Decoration Large Shopping Mall Quiet and Co
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
$2.50 M
SA 155sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Luxury Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
Near MTR
City View
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Upper Floor House730-[8044750] 9
Floor Plan
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
$3.95 M
SA 248sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Club Facilities
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 House730-[8127187] 2
South,High Usable Area,Good Property Management,Us
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 
$3.98 M
SA 248sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Lower Floor House730-[8220740] 6
Useful Partition,Spacious Living Room and Bedroom,
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) | Lower Floor
$4.40 M
SA 248sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
With Lease Agreement
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 House730-[8239609] 8
Great Location
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
Open Style 
$2.65 M
SA 155sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Upper Floor House730-[8082080] 6
Floor Plan
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
$3.95 M
SA 251sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Open Kitchen
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 Lower Floor House730-[8201834] 6
AVA 228
Sham Shui Po Ava 228 
1 Room(s) | Lower Floor
$4.28 M
SA 201sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Club Facilities
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