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House Station Property Agency Limited



Rm 110, 3/F, Block C, How Ming Fty Bldg 99 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong


House Station Property Agency Limited

Company Address:Rm 110, 3/F, Block C, How Ming Fty Bldg 99 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong





Sale (0)
Rent (53)
Partner (2)



Search History

53 properties found




Price reduced % - Low to High

Gross Area

Saleable Area

Newly renovated, including newly installed aircon'
Lohas Park Lohas Park Phase 2A Le Prestige

SA 722sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $22000

Balcony with Seaview, limited offer.
Tseung Kwan O Park Central Phase 3

SA 638sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $27500

High floor with very good Seaview. Limited offer.
Lohas Park Lohas Park Phase 9B Grand Marini

SA 785sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $31500

open Seaview with partially furnished
Olympic Station Florient Rise

SA 792sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  

Residential  Estate

Rent $35000

spacious and good condition.
Kennedy Town The Merton

SA 492sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $26000

4 Tseung Kwan O The Wings Upper Floor House730-[8513743]
Floor Plan
Large Estate Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood Gre
Tseung Kwan O The Wings IIIA

SA 355sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $18000

Quiet Environment Simple Decoration Large Shopping
Tseung Kwan O Twin Peaks

SA 798sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $36000

Nice Decoration Large Estate Quiet and Convenient
Laguna Laguna Verde Phase 3 Costa Del Sol

SA 543sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $25000

Good condition, open garden view.
Kowloon Station The Waterfront Phase 1

SA 931sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $45000

Open view with mountain, 2 bedrooms.
Lohas Park The Beaumount Phase 1

SA 498sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $16000

3 bedrooms 2 baths with partially furnished.
Tseung Kwan O Tseung Kwan O Plaza Phase 2

SA 730sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $29000

8 Sheung Wan Queen's Terrace Upper Floor House730-[8505871]
Floor Plan
Convenient Transportation Spacious Living Room and
Sheung Wan Queen's Terrace

SA 478sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $26000

3 bedrooms with 2 baths, mountain facing.
Lohas Park The Beaumount Phase 1

SA 693sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $21800

Lohas Park Lohas Park Phase 8 Sea To Sky

SA 467sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  

Residential  Estate

Rent $20000

90% new with partially furnished.
Yau Tong Montego Bay

SA 512sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $22000

Good layout, open view.
Tseung Kwan O Alto Residences

SA 640sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $27000

Great Location With Balcony Good Property Manageme
North Point The Harbourside

SA 326sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $20000

Fireworks view, open view.
Kowloon Station The Arch

SA 960sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $57000

8 North Point Lime Habitat Middle Floor House730-[8470675]
Floor Plan
Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood With Balcony Goo
North Point Lime Habitat

SA 300sq.ft.


Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $16000

7 Tseung Kwan O Twin Peaks Lower Floor House730-[8469901]
Floor Plan
Quiet Environment Simple Decoration Quiet and Conv
Tseung Kwan O Twin Peaks

SA 372sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $18000

Great Seaview, 4 bedrooms with 2 baths.
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Ocean Wings

SA 972sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $50000

17 Tseung Kwan O Alto Residences Lower Floor House730-[8469820]
Floor Plan
Large Estate Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood Gre
Tseung Kwan O Alto Residences

SA 946sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 3 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $38000

Good condition, 3 bedrooms with 2 baths.
Tseung Kwan O The Wings IIIA

SA 665sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $29800

4 rooms with 2 suites, great Seaview.
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Ocean Wings

SA 1022sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 3 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $53000

House Station Property Agency Limited

Rm 110, 3/F, Block C, How Ming Fty Bldg 99 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong



House Station Property Agency Limited

Rm 110, 3/F, Block C, How Ming Fty Bldg 99 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong




Sale (0)
Rent (53)
Partner (2)
Lohas Park Lohas Park Upper Floor House730-[8480832]
Newly renovated, including newly installed aircon'
Lohas Park Lohas Park Phase 2A Le Prestige
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 722sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O Park Central Upper Floor House730-[8489189]
Balcony with Seaview, limited offer.
Tseung Kwan O Park Central Phase 3
3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 638sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Lohas Park Lohas Park Upper Floor House730-[8495015]
High floor with very good Seaview. Limited offer.
Lohas Park Lohas Park Phase 9B Grand Marini
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 785sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Olympic Station Florient Rise House730-[8449171]
open Seaview with partially furnished
Olympic Station Florient Rise 
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  
SA 792sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kennedy Town The Merton Lower Floor House730-[8515073] 11
spacious and good condition.
Kennedy Town The Merton 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 492sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Upper Floor House730-[8513743] 4
Floor Plan
Large Estate Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood Gre
Tseung Kwan O The Wings IIIA
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 355sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O Twin Peaks Middle Floor House730-[8513574] 10
Quiet Environment Simple Decoration Large Shopping
Tseung Kwan O Twin Peaks 
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 798sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Laguna Laguna Verde Upper Floor House730-[8512170] 7
Nice Decoration Large Estate Quiet and Convenient
Laguna Laguna Verde Phase 3 Costa Del Sol
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 543sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kowloon Station The Waterfront Middle Floor House730-[8511469] 14
Good condition, open garden view.
Kowloon Station The Waterfront Phase 1
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 931sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Lohas Park The Beaumount Lower Floor House730-[8505980] 7
Open view with mountain, 2 bedrooms.
Lohas Park The Beaumount Phase 1
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 498sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O Tseung Kwan O Plaza Upper Floor House730-[8505972] 10
3 bedrooms 2 baths with partially furnished.
Tseung Kwan O Tseung Kwan O Plaza Phase 2
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 730sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Sheung Wan Queen's Terrace Upper Floor House730-[8505871] 8
Floor Plan
Convenient Transportation Spacious Living Room and
Sheung Wan Queen's Terrace 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 478sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Lohas Park The Beaumount Lower Floor House730-[8504880] 11
3 bedrooms with 2 baths, mountain facing.
Lohas Park The Beaumount Phase 1
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 693sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Lohas Park Lohas Park House730-[8491550] 6
Lohas Park Lohas Park Phase 8 Sea To Sky
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  
SA 467sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Yau Tong Montego Bay Lower Floor House730-[8491526] 14
90% new with partially furnished.
Yau Tong Montego Bay 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 512sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O Alto Residences Upper Floor House730-[8472237] 7
Good layout, open view.
Tseung Kwan O Alto Residences 
2 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 640sq.ft.
Residential Estate
North Point The Harbourside Upper Floor House730-[8471505] 9
Great Location With Balcony Good Property Manageme
North Point The Harbourside 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 326sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kowloon Station The Arch Lower Floor House730-[8470880] 2
Fireworks view, open view.
Kowloon Station The Arch 
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 960sq.ft.
Residential Estate
North Point Lime Habitat Middle Floor House730-[8470675] 8
Floor Plan
Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood With Balcony Goo
North Point Lime Habitat 
Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 300sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O Twin Peaks Lower Floor House730-[8469901] 7
Floor Plan
Quiet Environment Simple Decoration Quiet and Conv
Tseung Kwan O Twin Peaks 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 372sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Middle Floor House730-[8469832] 15
Great Seaview, 4 bedrooms with 2 baths.
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Ocean Wings
4 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 972sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O Alto Residences Lower Floor House730-[8469820] 17
Floor Plan
Large Estate Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood Gre
Tseung Kwan O Alto Residences 
2 Room(s) 3 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 946sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Upper Floor House730-[8469801] 10
Good condition, 3 bedrooms with 2 baths.
Tseung Kwan O The Wings IIIA
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 665sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Middle Floor House730-[8469793] 15
4 rooms with 2 suites, great Seaview.
Tseung Kwan O The Wings Ocean Wings
4 Room(s) 3 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 1022sq.ft.
Residential Estate

House Station Property Agency Limited Listing for Rent

House Station Property Agency Limited Number of Listing for Rent




Price Reduced

Gross Area

Saleable Area

House Station Property Agency Limited Number of Listing for Sale

House Station Property Agency Limited Number of Partner

Branch Address