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Smarties Properties Ltd



Shop D, G/F, 2 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, N.T.


Smarties Properties Ltd

Company Address:Shop D, G/F, 2 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, N.T.





Sale (21)
Rent (20)
Partner (4)



Search History

20 properties found




Price reduced % - Low to High

Gross Area

Saleable Area

700sq.ft.*w/car park*big balcony*pets allowed*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui village

GFA ~700sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Village House

With Carpark


Closed Kitchen

Elegant Decoration

Pet Allowed

Rent $10800

Sheung Shui Wai village* tranquil environment*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui Wai

GFA ~250sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building

Residential  Village House

Simple Decoration

Rent $5500

San Tin village*well-proportioned*convenient*
Village House(Yuen Long District) Yuen Long village

GFA ~300sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor

Residential  Village House

Simple Decoration

Rent $3800

Jockey Club Road*well decorated*open view*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui Mansion

SA 478sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Chinese Mansion

City View

Elegant Decoration

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $9600

bungalow with 1000sqft front yard*pets allowed*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui bungalow

GFA ~550sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor

Residential  Village House

With Storeroom

With Garden

Elegant Decoration

Pet Allowed

Rent $9500

San Tin village*near 24hrs crossing China border*
Village House(Yuen Long District) San Tin Chau Tau Tsuen

GFA ~500sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Village House

Elegant Decoration

Rent $6000

rare Tsung Pak Long house for rent*
Sheung Shui 上水村屋分層開放式

GFA ~750sq.ft.


Open Style 3 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building

Residential  Village House

Elegant Decoration


Open Kitchen


Rent $23800

Sheung Shui village*open kitchen*
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui)

GFA ~230sq.ft.


Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor

Residential  Village House

Open Kitchen

Simple Decoration

With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $4000

Sheung Shui village*3 bedrooms with big balcony*
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui)

GFA ~700sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Village House


Elegant Decoration

Pet Allowed

Rent $9000

Ho Sheung Heung middle floor with 1 free car park
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui)

GFA ~700sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Village House

With Carpark

Elegant Decoration

$9800 -3.06%

Rent $9500

Fanling village*well-proportioned*pet allowed*
Village House(Fanling District) Village House (Fanling)

GFA 550sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor

Residential  Village House

Open Kitchen

Pet Allowed

Simple Decoration

Rent $6000

Sheung Shui bungalow*convenient*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui bungalow

GFA ~220sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor

Residential  Village House

Simple Decoration

$4800 -12.5%

Rent $4200

Fanning village house*pets allowed *
Village House(Fanling District) Village House (Fanling)

GFA ~900sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building

Residential  Village House



Elegant Decoration

Pet Allowed

Rent $10500

newly renovated*strata rental*with 1 car park*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui village

GFA ~700sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building

Residential  Village House

With Carpark



With Garden

Elegant Decoration

Rent $12800

Sheung Shui Fu Hing St cockloft*residence & comm*
Sheung Shui Mansion

GFA 800sq.ft.


Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Chinese Mansion

Simple Decoration

Rent $12000

Kam Tsin village* tranquil environment*
Sheung Shui Kam Tsin

GFA ~500sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Village House

Elegant Decoration


Rent $6200

Tin Ping Estate*
Sheung Shui Tin Ping Estate

SA 385sq.ft.


GFA 531sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Public Housing

Rent $9000

San Tin bungalow with parking area*
Village House(Yuen Long District) Village House (Yuen Long)

GFA ~350sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor

Residential  Village House

With Carpark

Simple Decoration

Garden View

Rent $5500

Sheung Shui Hang Tau*new renovated with two rooms
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui)

GFA ~400sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor

Residential  Village House

Open Kitchen

$4700 -14.89%

Rent $4000

Sheung Shui villa*2100 sq.ft. with huge garden*
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui)

GFA ~2100sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 4 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building

Residential  Village House

With Garden


Closed Kitchen

With Servant Room

Garden View

Rent $36000

Smarties Properties Ltd

Shop D, G/F, 2 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, N.T.



Smarties Properties Ltd

Shop D, G/F, 2 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, N.T.




Sale (21)
Rent (20)
Partner (4)
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui village Middle Floor House730-[8357749]
700sq.ft.*w/car park*big balcony*pets allowed*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui village 
3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
GFA ~700sq.ft.
Residential Village House
With Carpark
Closed Kitchen
Elegant Decoration
Pet Allowed
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui Wai Whole Building House730-[8343972]
Sheung Shui Wai village* tranquil environment*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui Wai 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building
GFA ~250sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Simple Decoration
Village House(Yuen Long District) Yuen Long village Ground Floor House730-[8395141] 7
San Tin village*well-proportioned*convenient*
Village House(Yuen Long District) Yuen Long village 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor
GFA ~300sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Simple Decoration
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui Mansion Middle Floor House730-[8394925] 10
Jockey Club Road*well decorated*open view*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui Mansion 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 478sq.ft.
Residential Chinese Mansion
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui bungalow Ground Floor House730-[8393996] 9
bungalow with 1000sqft front yard*pets allowed*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui bungalow 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor
GFA ~550sq.ft.
Residential Village House
With Storeroom
With Garden
Elegant Decoration
Pet Allowed
Village House(Yuen Long District) San Tin Chau Tau Tsuen Middle Floor House730-[8393951] 8
San Tin village*near 24hrs crossing China border*
Village House(Yuen Long District) San Tin Chau Tau Tsuen 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
GFA ~500sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Elegant Decoration
Sheung Shui 上水村屋分層開放式 Whole Building House730-[8292818] 18
rare Tsung Pak Long house for rent*
Sheung Shui 上水村屋分層開放式 
Open Style 3 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building
GFA ~750sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Elegant Decoration
Open Kitchen
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) Ground Floor House730-[8024961] 6
Sheung Shui village*open kitchen*
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) 
Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor
GFA ~230sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Open Kitchen
Simple Decoration
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Near Shopping Mall
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) Middle Floor House730-[8269921] 12
Sheung Shui village*3 bedrooms with big balcony*
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) 
3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
GFA ~700sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Elegant Decoration
Pet Allowed
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) Middle Floor House730-[8005442] 5
Ho Sheung Heung middle floor with 1 free car park
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) 
3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
$9800 -3.06%
GFA ~700sq.ft.
Residential Village House
With Carpark
Elegant Decoration
Village House(Fanling District) Village House (Fanling) Ground Floor House730-[8000818] 7
Fanling village*well-proportioned*pet allowed*
Village House(Fanling District) Village House (Fanling) 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor
GFA 550sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Open Kitchen
Pet Allowed
Simple Decoration
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui bungalow Ground Floor House730-[8362513] 5
Sheung Shui bungalow*convenient*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui bungalow 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor
$4800 -12.5%
GFA ~220sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Simple Decoration
Village House(Fanling District) Village House (Fanling) Whole Building House730-[8352743] 12
Fanning village house*pets allowed *
Village House(Fanling District) Village House (Fanling) 
3 Room(s) 2 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building
GFA ~900sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Elegant Decoration
Pet Allowed
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui village Whole Building House730-[8341524] 17
newly renovated*strata rental*with 1 car park*
Sheung Shui Sheung Shui village 
3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building
GFA ~700sq.ft.
Residential Village House
With Carpark
With Garden
Elegant Decoration
Sheung Shui Mansion Lower Floor House730-[8339424] 8
Sheung Shui Fu Hing St cockloft*residence & comm*
Sheung Shui Mansion 
Open Style 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
GFA 800sq.ft.
Residential Chinese Mansion
Simple Decoration
Sheung Shui Kam Tsin Upper Floor House730-[8052837] 9
Kam Tsin village* tranquil environment*
Sheung Shui Kam Tsin 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
GFA ~500sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Elegant Decoration
Sheung Shui Tin Ping Estate Upper Floor House730-[8321679] 5
Tin Ping Estate*
Sheung Shui Tin Ping Estate 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 385sq.ft.
GFA 531sq.ft.
Residential Public Housing
Village House(Yuen Long District) Village House (Yuen Long) Ground Floor House730-[7955512] 6
San Tin bungalow with parking area*
Village House(Yuen Long District) Village House (Yuen Long) 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor
GFA ~350sq.ft.
Residential Village House
With Carpark
Simple Decoration
Garden View
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) Ground Floor House730-[7845978] 6
Sheung Shui Hang Tau*new renovated with two rooms
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) 
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Ground Floor
$4700 -14.89%
GFA ~400sq.ft.
Residential Village House
Open Kitchen
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) Whole Building House730-[8039499] 23
Sheung Shui villa*2100 sq.ft. with huge garden*
Village House(Sheung Shui District) Village House (Sheung Shui) 
4 Room(s) 4 Bathroom(s)  | Whole Building
GFA ~2100sq.ft.
Residential Village House
With Garden
Closed Kitchen
With Servant Room
Garden View
No More

Smarties Properties Ltd Listing for Rent

Smarties Properties Ltd Number of Listing for Rent




Price Reduced

Gross Area

Saleable Area

Smarties Properties Ltd Number of Listing for Sale

Smarties Properties Ltd Number of Partner

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